Directly querying Graph data with user-defined vertex ids using solr_query results in null returns
Directly querying Graph data with user-defined vertex ids using solr_query results in null returns.
The valid way to issue a direct CQL query that includes a solr_query is to retrieve only the user-defined vertex id fields in the select statement. Moving from DSE 5.0 to 6.0 may cause issues with previously created queries.
Because of these complexities, DataStax currently does not recommend querying the underling Graph generated CQL tables or SOLR Indexes. Such queries will be required to rewrite their queries in a future DSE Graph release.
In DSE 50. and DSE 5.1, when someone issues a CQL statement using the SOLR API in the WHERE
clause against a graph table that contains a DSE Search index (assuming search index was created
by DSE Graph)
- The end user will see unexpected results like the
cassandra_admin@cqlsh:ecdc_graph> select first_name, last_name, record_type from contact_p where solr_query = 'last_name:Abbott'; first_name | last_name | record_type ------------+-----------+------------- null | null | nullnull | null | nullnull | null | nullnull | null | nullnull | null | nullnull | null | nullnull | null | nullnull | null | G null | null | nullnull | null | nullnull | null | null Lacey | null | nullnull | null | nullnull | Abbott | null