Securing DataStax Enterprise ports

Lock down all unnecessary ports, and create IP security rules that allow internode and client communications.

All network security starts with strict and proper firewall rules on interfaces that are exposed to the internet, allowing only the absolute minimum traffic in or out of the internal network. Firewall security is especially important when running your infrastructure in a public cloud. Wherever you host your clusters, DataStax strongly recommends using a firewall on all nodes in your cluster.

Begin with a restrictive configuration that blocks all traffic except SSH. Then, open up the following ports in compliance with your security requirements to allow communication between the nodes. If these ports are not opened, the node acts as a standalone database server rather than joining the cluster when you start DataStax Enterprise (DSE) on a node.

If the cluster uses SSL only, close any non-SSL ports that have dedicated SSL ports. To ensure communication is not disabled to any non-SSL clients, DataStax recommends testing the configuration in a staging environment before enabling the firewall in production environments.

Important: Make sure your firewall rules do not restrict traffic between DSE Analytics nodes. Traffic between DSE Analytics nodes must be unrestricted to allow communication between DSE Spark Master and Worker nodes.


The location of the cassandra.yaml file depends on the type of installation:
Package installations /etc/dse/cassandra/cassandra.yaml
Tarball installations installation_location/resources/cassandra/conf/cassandra.yaml


The default location of the spark-defaults.conf file depends on the type of installation:
Package installations /etc/dse/spark/spark-defaults.conf
Tarball installations installation_location/resources/spark/conf/spark-defaults.conf

The default location of the file depends on the type of installation:
Package installations /etc/dse/spark/
Tarball installations installation_location/resources/spark/conf/


The location of the dse.yaml file depends on the type of installation:
Package installations /etc/dse/dse.yaml
Tarball installations installation_location/resources/dse/conf/dse.yaml

The location of the file depends on the type of installation:
Package installations /etc/dse/cassandra/
Tarball installations installation_location/resources/cassandra/conf/


Open the following ports:
Default port Service Configurable in
Public facing ports
22 SSH (default) See your OS documentation on sshd.
DataStax Enterprise public ports
(random) Spark port for the driver to listen on. Used for communicating with the executors and the standalone Master. In client mode, this port is opened on the local node where the Spark application was started. In cluster mode, this port is opened on one of the Analytics nodes selected randomly. When used in cluster mode, the port is opened only on the network interface used for internode communication. To explicitly set the port, set the spark.driver.port property in the Spark driver. If an application is already using the designated port, it will increment the port number up to the setting of the spark.port.maxRetries property. For example, if spark.driver.port is set to 11000 and spark.port.maxRetries is set to 10, it will attempt to bind to port 11000. If that fails it will increment the port number and retry, stopping at port 11010. spark-defaults.conf and using the --conf option on the command line.
(random) Spark port for all block managers to listen on. These ports exist on both the driver and the executors. To explicitly set the port, set the spark.blockManager.port property. If an application is already using the designated port, it will increment the port number up to the setting of the spark.port.maxRetries property. For example, if spark.blockManager.port is set to 11000 and spark.port.maxRetries is set to 10, it will attempt to bind to port 11000. If that fails it will increment the port number and retry, stopping at port 11010. spark-defaults.conf and using the --conf option on the command line.
(random) spark.executor.port Spark port for the executor to listen on. This is used for communicating with the driver. spark-defaults.conf and using the --conf option on the command line.
(random) spark.shuffle.service.port Spark port on which the external shuffle service will run. The SPARK_SHUFFLE_OPTS variable in
4040 Spark application web site port. If an application is already using the designated port, it will increment the port number up to the setting of the spark.port.maxRetries property. For example, if spark.port.maxRetries is set to 10, it will attempt to bind to port 4041, and repeat until it reaches port 4050. spark-defaults.conf and using the --conf option on the command line.
5598, 5599 Public/internode ports for DSE File System (DSEFS) clients. dse.yaml
7080 Spark Master web UI port.
7081 Spark Worker web UI port.
8182 The gremlin server port for DSE Graph. See Graph configuration.
8983 DSE Search (Solr) port and Demo applications web site port (Portfolio, Search, Search log, Weather Sensors)
8090 Spark Jobserver REST API port. See Spark Jobserver.
9042 DSE database native clients port. Enabling native transport encryption in client_encryption_options provides the option to use encryption for the standard port, or to use a dedicated port in addition to the unencrypted native_transport_port. When SSL is enabled, port 9142 is used by native clients instead. cassandra.yaml
9091 The DataStax Studio server port. See DataStax Studio documentation. Configure in dse_studio_install_dir/configuration.yaml.
9077 AlwaysOn SQL WebUI port. See .
9142 DSE client port when SSL is enabled. Enabling client encryption and keeping native_transport_port_ssl disabled will use encryption for native_transport_port. Setting native_transport_port_ssl to a different value from native_transport_port will use encryption for native_transport_port_ssl while keeping native_transport_port unencrypted. See Configuring SSL for client-to-node connections.
9999 Spark Jobserver JMX port. Required only if Spark Jobserver is running and remote access to JMX is required.
18080 Spark application history server web site port. Only required if Spark application history server is running. Can be changed with the spark.history.ui.port setting. See Spark history server.
OpsCenter public ports
8888 OpsCenter web site port. The opscenterd daemon listens on this port for HTTP requests coming directly from the browser. See . opscenterd.conf
Internode ports
DSE database internode communication ports
5599 Private port for DSEFS internode communication port. Must not be visible outside of the cluster. dse.yaml
7000 DSE internode cluster communication port. cassandra.yaml
7001 DSE SSL internode cluster communication port. cassandra.yaml
7199 DSE JMX metrics monitoring port. DataStax recommends allowing connections only from the local node. Configure SSL and JMX authentication when allowing connections from other nodes.

See JMX options in .

DataStax Enterprise internode ports
7077 Spark Master internode communication port. dse.yaml
8609 Port for internode messaging service. dse.yaml
Spark SQL Thrift server
10000 Spark SQL Thrift server port. Only required if Spark SQL Thrift server is running. Set with the -p option with the Spark SQL Thrift server.