Creating a cluster

Provision a new Cassandra or DataStax Enterprise cluster locally or in the cloud using OpsCenter.

Follow these instructions to provision a new local or cloud cluster using OpsCenter. OpsCenter can provision new Cassandra and DataStax Enterprise clusters. Each node in the cluster must meet the following requirements:

  • Oracle Java 7+ is installed.
  • Cassandra or DataStax Enterprise is not installed.
  • For local clusters, have a user capable of using sudo, unless OpsCenter has been configured not to use sudo (see the runs_sudo option described in OpsCenter configuration properties.
  • Port access: When provisioning cloud clusters on EC2 nodes, the OpsCenter machine needs access to port 61621 on the managed nodes, and the nodes need access to port 61620 on the OpsCenter machine.


  1. Click New Cluster.
  2. Click Create Brand New Cluster.
    The Create Cluster dialog appears.
  3. Click Cloud or Local.

    The Cloud and Local buttons appear only if OpsCenter is running in the cloud.

  4. Complete the fields as appropriate.
    • If you select Local, the Local pane appears.

    • If you select Cloud, the Cloud pane appears. OpsCenter currently only supports the AWS EC2 cloud.

    Consult the following table for assistance with completing the fields:

    New cluster fields
    Field Description
    Name Cluster name.
    Package The version of Cassandra or DataStax Enterprise to install on the nodes.
    DataStax Credentials <userid> and <password> that were in the email received from DataStax when registering to download DataStax Enterprise.
    Nodes (Local only) A list of existing machines on which to install the cluster. For best results, use private IP addresses.
    Total Nodes (Cloud only) Total number of Cassandra or DataStax Enterprise nodes for the cluster.
    # Solr Nodes Total number of Solr nodes for the cluster.
    # Spark Nodes For DataStax Enterprise 4.5 and higher clusters, the total number of Spark nodes for the cluster.
    # Hadoop Nodes Total number of Hadoop nodes for the cluster.
    Node Credentials (Local only) The <userid> and <password> of the user with sudo permission on the nodes.
    Private SSH Key (Local only) The private SSH key to use instead of Node Credentials.
    Amazon EC2 Credentials (Cloud only) The <access-jey-id> and <secret-access-key> to use to authenticate on AWS EC2.
    Availability Zone (Cloud only) Which availability zone to use to create the cluster. The list is only populated after entering your EC2 credentials.
    Size (Cloud only) Which size image to use. For more information about available options, see the DataStax Developer blog about AWS EC2 instance types.
    AMI (Cloud only) Which image to use.
    Use OpsCenter-specific security group (Cloud only) Determines whether OpsCenter creates its own specific security group or allows selecting one that is available using your EC2 credentials.
    Use OpsCenter-specific keypair (Cloud only) Determines whether OpsCenter creates its own specific keypair or allows you to select one that is available using your EC2 credentials.
    View Advanced Options Access cassandra.yaml for Configuring a cluster.
  5. Click Build Cluster.


The agent installs successfully and the new cluster is now available.

If the agent fails to install:
  • On the affected nodes, check opscenterd.log and /var/log/datastax-agent/installer.log.
  • Verify that the correct ports are open between machines as described in OpsCenter and DataStax agent ports.
If the agent installed successfully but there is an issue with the Cassandra or DataStax Enterprise setup process, check the following logs for any errors:
  • opscenterd.log
  • /var/log/datastax-agent/agent.log
  • /var/log/cassandra/output.log
  • /var/log/cassandra/system.log