Changing the replication strategy for the OpsCenter keyspace
Using the NetworkTopologyStrategy replication is recommended for the OpsCenter keyspace when running OpsCenter in a multi-datacenter environment.
Using the NetworkTopologyStrategy replication is recommended for the OpsCenter keyspace when running OpsCenter in a multi-datacenter environment. Prompts guide changing the keyspace to a compatible replication strategy.

If the OpsCenter keyspace warning is visible when you first launch OpsCenter,
expand the warning and click the link to edit the
The Edit Keyspace keyspace_name dialog for the keyspace appears.
- Change the strategy from SimpleStrategy to NetworkTopologyStrategy.
- Enter the datacenters and replication factor for each datacenter. Click Add Datacenter to add more datacenters.
Set the durable_writes option to
True (recommended) or False
Warning: Be careful when setting the durable writes option. When set to False, data written to the keyspace bypasses the commit log, which could cause data loss.
- Click Save Keyspace.