Creating superuser accounts
After enabling role-based access control, create your own superuser account and
disable or drop the default cassandra
Roles created with the superuser option have full access to the database; users with the role can run any CQL commands on all database resources. DataStax recommends giving superuser status only to a limited number of users and managing superuser authentication with the internal scheme. When using LDAP group management (role_management_options.mode: ldap), to prevent unintentional role assignment, set authentication_options. scheme_permissions: true and bind the superuser role to the internal scheme (see Binding a role to an authentication scheme).
DSE includes the default role cassandra
password cassandra
The cassandra role is a superuser login account that has full
access to the database.
Requests from the cassandra account, including login, use a consistency level of
QUORUM. QUORUM may cause significant performance degradation in multi-datacenter
environments. For security and performance, DataStax recommends only using
the cassandra role once during initial RBAC set up to establish your own root
account and then disabling or dropping the cassandra role.
Log in to CQL shell (cqlsh) with the Cassandra user:
cqlsh -u cassandra -p cassandra
Create a new superuser account with password stored in the CQL database:
CREATE ROLE root_user_name with SUPERUSER = true AND LOGIN = true and PASSWORD = 'password';
Exit cqlsh:
In order to disable or drop the cassandra role, log in with the new role
created in the previous step:
cqlsh -u root_user
Enter the password at the prompt.
Verify that the role was created as a superuser using LIST:
role | super | login | options ---------------------+-------+-------+--------- root_user | True | True | {} cassandra | True | True | {} (2 rows)
Drop or update the cassandra account:
- Drop the cassandra
DROP ROLE cassandra;
- Update the cassandra role by disabling superuser and changing the
ALTER ROLE cassandra WITH SUPERUSER = false AND LOGIN = false AND password='new_secret_pw';
DataStax recommends dropping the account to secure the database in production environments. When using an external authentication method, such as LDAP, this prevents accidentally assignment with elevated privileges. - Drop the cassandra
Verify that the cassandra role was deleted:
Only the roles created in these steps display:role | super | login | options ---------------------+-------+-------+--------- root_user | True | True | {} (1 rows)
- Reopen the firewall to support production CQL traffic.