DSE Advanced Replication metrics

DSE Advanced Replication metrics on the source nodes refer to the current status of that node in the source cluster.


The location of the cassandra-env.sh file depends on the type of installation:
Package installations /etc/dse/cassandra/cassandra-env.sh
Tarball installations installation_location/resources/cassandra/conf/cassandra-env.sh

Collect metrics on each source node to review the current status of that node in the source cluster. A working source and destination configuration is required to use the metrics feature. See Getting started.

Ensure JMX access

Metrics are stored in the DataStax Enterprise JMX system. JMX access is required.
  • For production, DataStax recommends authenticating JMX users, see .
  • Use these steps to enable local JMX access. Localhost access is useful for test and development.
  1. On the source node, edit cassandra-env.sh and enable local JMX:
    JVM_OPTS="$JVM_OPTS -Djava.rmi.server.hostname=localhost"
  2. On the source node, stop and restart DataStax Enterprise to recognize the local JMX change.

Display metrics on the command line

Use the dse advrep command line tool to display metrics on the command line. Ensure that the source node meets the command line prerequisites.
  1. On the source node:
    dse advrep --jmx-port 7199 metrics list
    |Group         |Type               |Count|
    |Tables        |MessagesDelivered  |1002 |
    |ReplicationLog|CommitLogsToConsume|1    |
    |Tables        |MessagesReceived   |1002 |
    |ReplicationLog|MessageAddErrors   |0    |
    |ReplicationLog|CommitLogsDeleted  |0    |
    |Group         |Type                 |Count|RateUnit     |MeanRate            |FifteenMinuteRate    |OneMinuteRate      |FiveMinuteRate         |
    |ReplicationLog|MessagesAdded        |1002 |events/second|0.012688461014514603|9.862886141388435E-39|2.964393875E-314   |2.322135514219019E-114 |
    |ReplicationLog|MessagesDeleted      |0    |events/second|0.0                 |0.0                  |0.0                |0.0                    |
    |ReplicationLog|MessagesAcknowledged |1002 |events/second|0.012688456391385135|9.86403600116801E-39 |2.964393875E-314   |2.3230339468969963E-114|
    |ReplicationLog|CommitLogMessagesRead|16873|events/second|0.21366497971804438 |0.20580430240786005  |0.39126032533612265|0.2277227124698431     |
    |Group       |Type            |Value|

Accessing the metrics

Use JMX to access the metrics. Any JMX tool, such as jconsole, can access the MBeans for advanced replication. The port listed above, 7199, is used with the hostname or IP address:
Choose the MBeans tab and find com.datastax.bdp.advrep.v2.metrics in the left-hand navigation frame:
The example shown here displays the attributes for com.datastax.bdp.advrep.v2.metrics:type=ReplicationLog,name=MessagesAdded.

Performance metrics

Metrics are exposed as JMX MBeans under the com.datastax.bdp.advrep.v2.metrics path and are logically divided into main groups. Each group refers to an architecture component. Metrics types are:
A simple incrementing and decrementing 64-bit integer.
Measures the rate at which a set of events occur.
Measures the distribution of values in a stream of data.
A histogram of the duration of a type of event and a meter of the rate of its occurrence.
A gauge is an instantaneous measurement of a value.
Metrics are available for the following groups:Metrics are also available per table:Descriptions of each metric is provided.
Note: Metrics for DSE 5.0 (V1) are still present; see the DSE 5.0 documentation for those metrics.


Metrics for the ReplicationLog group:
Metric name Description Metric type
MessagesAdded The number of messages that were added to the replication log, and the rate that the messages were added, per replica. Meter
MessagesAcknowledged The number of messages that were acknowledged (and removed) from the replication log. Acknowledgement can be 1 or 1+n if errors occur. Meter
MessagesDeleted The number of messages that were deleted from the replication log, including invalid messages and messages that were removed after a channel truncate operation. Meter
MessageAddErrors The number of errors that occurred when adding a message to the replication log. Counter
CommitLogsToConsume The number of commit logs that need to be consumed that have advanced replication messages. Counter
CommitLogMessagesRead The number of commit log messages added to the replication log. The commit log messages are read if a message pertains to a source table that has collection enabled. Meter
CommitLogMessagesDeleted The number of commit log messages deleted from the commit log after adding to the replication log. Like CommitLogMessagesRead, this metric only pertains to messages in tables that are enabled for advanced replication. Meter


Metrics for the Transmission group:
Metric name Description Metric type
AvailablePermits The current number of available global permits for transmission. Gauge


Metrics for the AdvancedReplicationHub-[destinationName]-metrics group are provided automatically by the DSE Java driver.
Incomplete examples of per-destination-metrics are:
Metric name Metric type
known-hosts Counter
connected-to Counter
open-connections Counter
requests-timer Timer
connection-errors Counter
write-timeouts Counter
read-timeouts Counter
unavailables Counter
other-errors Counter
retries Counter
ignores Counter
For details, see the DSE Java driver documentation.

Performance metrics per table

Use JMX to find performance metrics per table, look under the com.datastax.bdp.advrep.v2.metrics tab in the left-hand navigation frame for Tables, select a table and inspect the metrics:
For example, to access the MessagesReceived metric for the table sensor_readings in the keyspace demo look at the following path:
The following metrics are provided per table:
Metric name Description Metric type
MessagesReceived The number of messages received from the source cluster for this table. Counter
MessagesDelivered The number of messages for the source table that were replicated to the destination. Counter
MessagesDeleted The number of messages that were deleted from the replication log, including invalid messages and messages that were removed after a channel truncate operation. Counter