
Configuration file for the GossipingPropertyFileSnitch, Ec2Snitch, and Ec2MultiRegionSnitch.

The location of the file depends on the type of installation:
Package installations /etc/dse/cassandra/
Tarball installations installation_location/resources/cassandra/conf/
The GossipingPropertyFileSnitch, Ec2Snitch, and Ec2MultiRegionSnitch use the configuration file to determine which datacenters and racks nodes belong to. They inform the database about the network topology to route requests efficiently and distribute replicas evenly. Settings for this file depend on the type of snitch:

This page also includes instructions for migrating from the PropertyFileSnitch to the GossipingPropertyFileSnitch.


This snitch is recommended for production. It uses rack and datacenter information for the local node defined in the file and propagates this information to other nodes via gossip.

To configure a node to use GossipingPropertyFileSnitch, edit the file as follows:
  • Define the datacenter and rack that include this node. The default settings:
    Note: datacenter and rack names are case-sensitive. For examples, see and .
  • To save bandwidth, add the prefer_local=true option. This option tells DataStax Enterprise to use the local IP address when communication is not across different datacenters.

Migrating from the PropertyFileSnitch to the GossipingPropertyFileSnitch

To allow migration from the PropertyFileSnitch, the GossipingPropertyFileSnitch uses the file when present. Delete the file after the migration is complete. For more information about migration, see .

Note: The GossipingPropertyFileSnitch always loads when that file is present. Remove the file from each node on any new cluster or any cluster migrated from the PropertyFileSnitch.