- Apache TinkerPop graph computing framework
Describe the Apache TinkerPop framework.
- General steps, step-modulators, and predicates
TinkerPop general steps, step-modulators, and predicates
- TinkerPop Predicates
Predicates are used to determine relationships between data within traversals.
- TinkerPop Step-modulators
Helpers for Gremlin steps in traversals.
- TinkerPop Vertex Steps
Fundamental steps of Gremlin language
- addV
Specify a vertex from a traversal.
- addE
Specify an edge from a traversal.
- property
How to specify a property from a traversal.
- mid-traversal V()
Fetch a vertex in the middle of a graph traversal.
- aggregate
Aggregate all objects into a collection at a particular point in a graph traversal.
- and
Filter traversals using the AND boolean.
- barrier
Causes all steps prior to the barrier step to be executed before moving onto additional steps.
- branch
Split a traversal based on values.
- cap
- choose
Route a traverser to a particular traversal branch option.
- coalesce
Return a value based on the first traversal that has an element.
- coin
Get a random coin toss value with stated odds.
- constant
Set a constant value.
- count
Get a count of the traverser that precedes the count step.
- cyclicPath
Filter out repeated steps in a traversal
- dedup
Deduplicate returned objects from a query.
- drop
Drop a traversal object.
- explain
Explain the traversal strategies used in a traversal.
- fill
Put all results in the provided collection, then return the collection.
- filter
Filter the traversal to eliminate some of the returned objects based on a criteria.
- flatMap
Create a map of traversal objects and stream to the next traversal step.
- fold
Aggregate all the returned objects into a list, then emit the list.
- group
Organize returned objects by a function of the objects.
- groupCount
Determines the number of objects specified.
- has
Filter based on a particular vertex or edge label, property key, or property value.
- hasId
Filter based on a particular id.
- hasKey
Filter based on a particular property key.
- hasLabel
Filter based on a particular vertex or edge label.
- hasNext
Determine if results are available from a traversal.
- hasNot
Filter based on a particular label or value not present.
- hasValue
Filter based on a particular property value.
- id
Fetch the id of a graph object.
- inject
Inject an object arbitrarily into a traversal stream.
- is
Filter for scalar values.
- key
Extracts property keys for specified object.
- label
Extracts the specified labels.
- limit
Limit the objects returned.
- local
Limit the operation of the traversal to a single element within the traversal.
- loops
Get the number of times a query has gone through a particular loop.
- map
Map a portion of the query.
- match
Provides a more declarative form of graph querying based on pattern matching.
- math
Enables scientific calculator functionality.
- max
Get the largest number in a traversal.
- mean
Get the mean average in a traversal.
- min
Get the smallest number in a traversal.
- next
Find the next results.
- not
Exclude a specified object from the traversal.
- optional
Returns an optional result if the specified traversal yields a result; otherwise, returns the calling element.
- or
Yield at least one result from choices.
- order
Sorts objects given a certain criteria.
- pageRank
Calculates pageRank.
- path
Examine the history of a traversal's path.
- peerPressure
Executes a Peer Pressure community detection algorithm over the graph.
- profile
Profile a traversal to determine statistical information.
- project
- properties
Retrieve properties of a specified element.
- propertyMap
Yields a map representation of the properties of an element.
- range
Filter only a specified number of objects into the next step.
- repeat
Loop until a condition is met.
- sack
Read and write sacks.
- sample
Sample previous steps in the traversal.
- select
Select labeled steps.
- sideEffect
Perform some operation on the traverser and pass the result to the next step.
- simplePath
Use to prevent a traverser from repeating a path through the graph.
- skip
Skip a specified number of return objects.
- store
Store information for later use in the traversal.
- subGraph
Get a subgraph of the full graph.
- sum
Sum the previously returned objects.
- tail
Get the last specified number of returned objects.
- timeLimit
Limit the traversal to a specified number of milliseconds of execution time.
- toBulkSet
Return all restuls in a weighted set.
- toList
Return all results in a list.
- toSet
Return all results in a set with duplicated removed.
- tree
Create a tree of the traversal.
- unfold
Unfold a returned object into a linear form.
- union
Merge the results of several traversals.
- value
Get the value of a property given a specified property.
- valueMap
Yields a map representation of the properties of an element.
- values
Extract the value of properties for an element.
- where
Filters based on a predicate, a sideEffect or a traversal.