Creating a Spark Structured Streaming sink using DSE
A Spark Structured Streaming sink pulls data into DSE.
Spark Structured Streaming is a high-level API for streaming applications. DSE supports Structured Streaming for storing data into DSE.
The following Scala example shows how to store data from a streaming source to DSE using the
val query = source.writeStream .option("checkpointLocation", checkpointDir.toString) .cassandraFormat("table name", "keyspace name") .outputMode(OutputMode.Update) .start()
This example sets the OutputMode
to Update
, described in
the Spark API documentation.
The cassandraFormat
method is equivalent to calling the
method and in org.apache.spark.sql.cassandra
val query = source.writeStream .option("checkpointLocation", checkpointDir.toString) .format("org.apache.spark.sql.cassandra") .option("keyspace", ks) .option("table", "kv") .outputMode(OutputMode.Update) .start()