Configuration properties

Reference information for DSE Search configuration properties.


The location of the cassandra.yaml file depends on the type of installation:
Package installations /etc/dse/cassandra/cassandra.yaml
Tarball installations installation_location/resources/cassandra/conf/cassandra.yaml


The location of the dse.yaml file depends on the type of installation:
Package installations /etc/dse/dse.yaml
Tarball installations installation_location/resources/dse/conf/dse.yaml

Reference information for DSE Search configuration properties.

Data location in cassandra.yaml

See .
The directory where table data is stored on disk. The database distributes data evenly across the location, subject to the granularity of the configured compaction strategy.
Tip: For production, DataStax recommends RAID 0 and SSDs.

Default: - /var/lib/cassandra/data

Scheduler settings in dse.yaml

Configuration options to control the scheduling and execution of indexing checks.
Configures the schedulers in charge of querying for expired records, removing expired records, and the execution of the checks.
Time interval in seconds to check for expired data in seconds.

Default: 300

The number of seconds to delay the first TTL check to speed up start-up time.

Default: 20

The maximum number of documents to check and delete per batch by the TTL rebuild thread. All expired documents are deleted from the index during each check. To avoid memory pressure, their unique keys are retrieved and then deletes are issued in batches.

Default: 4096

The maximum number of search indexes (cores) that can execute TTL cleanup concurrently. Manages system resource consumption and prevents many search cores from executing simultaneous TTL deletes.

Default: 1

Indexing settings in dse.yaml

Configures the maximum file size of the search index config or schema. Resource files can be uploaded, but the search index config and schema are stored internally in the database after upload.
  • 0 - Disable resource uploading.
  • upload size - The maximum upload size limit in megabytes (MB) for a DSE Search resource file (search index config or schema).

Default: 10

The maximum time, in minutes, to wait for the flushing of asynchronous index updates that occurs at DSE Search commit time or at flush time.
CAUTION: Expert knowledge is required to change this value.
Always set the wait time high enough to ensure flushing completes successfully to fully sync DSE Search indexes with the database data. If the wait time is exceeded, index updates are only partially committed and the commit log is not truncated which can undermine data durability.
Note: When a timeout occurs, this node is typically overloaded and cannot flush in a timely manner. Live indexing increases the time to flush asynchronous index updates.

Default: 5

The maximum time, in minutes, to wait for each DSE Search index to load on startup or create/reload operations. This advanced option should be changed only if exceptions happen during search index loading.

Default: 5

Whether to apply the configured disk failure policy if IOExceptions occur during index update operations.
  • true - Apply the configured Cassandra disk failure policy to index write failures
  • false - Do not apply the disk failure policy

Default: false

The directory to store index data. See Managing the location of DSE Search data. By default, each DSE Search index is saved in solr_data_dir/keyspace_name.table_name or as specified by the system property.

Default: A directory in the cassandra data directory, like /var/lib/cassandra/

The Apache Lucene® field cache is deprecated. Instead, for fields that are sorted, faceted, or grouped by, set docValues="true" on the field in the search index schema. Then reload the search index and reindex.

Default: false

For DSE Search, configure whether to asynchronously reindex bootstrapped data.
  • true - The node joins the ring immediately after bootstrap and reindexing occurs asynchronously. Do not wait for post-bootstrap reindexing so that the node is not marked down. The dsetool ring command can be used to check the status of the reindexing.
  • false - The node joins the ring after reindexing the bootstrapped data.

Default: false

Safety thresholds

Configure safety thresholds and fault tolerance for DSE Search with options in dse.yaml and cassandra.yaml.
Safety thresholds in cassandra.yaml
Configuration options include:
How long the coordinator waits for read operations to complete before timing it out.

Default: 5000

Security in dse.yaml
Security options for DSE Search. See .
Tunes encryption of search indexes.
Allocates shared DSE Search decryption cache off JVM heap.
  • true - Allocate shared DSE Search decryption cache off JVM heap.
  • false - Do not allocate shared DSE Search decryption cache off JVM heap.

Default: true

The maximum size of the shared DSE Search decryption cache in megabytes (MB).

Default: 256

Used by the Tomcat application container to run DSE Search. The Tomcat web server uses the GSSAPI mechanism (SPNEGO) to negotiate the GSSAPI security mechanism (Kerberos). REALM is the name of your Kerberos realm. In the Kerberos principal, REALM must be uppercase.


Internode communication in dse.yaml
Internode communication between DSE Search nodes.
Fault tolerance option for internode communication between DSE Search nodes.
Timeout behavior during distributed queries. The internal timeout for all search queries to prevent long running queries. The client request timeout is the maximum cumulative time (in milliseconds) that a distributed search request will wait idly for shard responses.

Default: 60000 (1 minute)

Query options in dse.yaml
Options for CQL Solr queries.
  • driver - Respects driver paging settings. Uses Solr pagination (cursors) only when the driver uses pagination. Enabled automatically for DSE SearchAnalytics workloads.
  • off - Paging is off. Ignore driver paging settings for CQL queries and use normal Solr paging unless:
    • The current workload is an analytics workload, including SearchAnalytics. SearchAnalytics nodes always use driver paging settings.
    • The cqlsh query parameter paging is set to driver.

    Even when cql_solr_query_paging: off, paging is dynamically enabled with the "paging":"driver" parameter in JSON queries.

Default: off

The maximum time in milliseconds to wait for all rows to be read from the database during CQL Solr queries.

Default: 10000 (10 seconds)

Client connections in dse.yaml
The default IP address that the HTTP and Solr Admin interface uses to access DSE Search. See .
When left blank, uses the configured hostname of the node. Unlike the listen_address, this value can be set to, but you must set the native_transport_broadcast_address to a value other than
Note: Set native_transport_address OR native_transport_interface, not both.

Default: localhost

Performance in cassandra.yaml
Decreasing the memtable space to make room for Solr caches might improve performance. See .
memtable_heap_space_in_mb (deprecated)
Note: This setting is deprecated. Use memtable_space_in_mb instead.
Performance in dse.yaml
Node routing options.
Node health options are always enabled. Node health is a score-based representation of how healthy a node is to handle search queries. See .
How frequently statistics update.

Default: 60000

The amount of continuous uptime required for the node's uptime score to advance the node health score from 0 to 1 (full health), assuming there are no recent dropped mutations. The health score is a composite score based on dropped mutations and uptime.
Tip: If a node is repairing after a period of downtime, increase the uptime period to the expected repair time.

Default: 10800 (3 hours)

The historic time window over which the rate of dropped mutations affects the node health score.

Default: 30