Installing prior releases of DataStax Community

Steps for installing the same version as other nodes in your cluster.

DataStax no longer provides the DataStax Community version of Apache Cassandra™ or the DataStax Distribution of Apache Cassandra. See DataStax support for Apache Cassandra.
To download and install the latest version of open-source Cassandra, see

How to install the same version as other nodes in your cluster.

Follow the instructions in the relevant version of the installation documentation and specify the version in the installation command.

Installing the packages on RHEL-based platforms

Cassandra 2.1.5 examples:
$ sudo yum install dsc21-2.1.5-1  cassandra2.1.5-1
$ sudo yum install cassandra21-tools-2.1.5-1 ## Optional

Installing the packages on Debian-based platforms

Cassandra 2.1.5 examples:
$ sudo apt-get install dsc21=2.1.5-1 cassandra=2.1.5
$ sudo apt-get install cassandra-tools=2.1.5 ## Optional

Installing from the binary tarball

Cassandra 2.1.5 example:
$ curl -L | tar xz

Installing on Windows

No prior production versions of Cassandra for Windows exists.