nodetool compact

Forces a major compaction on one or more tables.

Note: Forces a major compaction on one or more tables using SizeTieredCompactionStrategy (STCS) or DateTieredCompactionStrategy (DTCS).


C:\> %CASSANDRA_HOME%\bin\nodetool <options> compact <keyspace> ( <table> ... )
Short Long Description
-h --host Hostname or IP address
-p --port Port number
-pwf --password-file Password file path
-pw --password Password
-u --username User name
-s --split-output Split output of STCS files to 50%-25%-12.5% etc.of the total size.
  • If a username and password for RMI authentication are set explicitly in the cassandra-env.ps1 file for the host, then you must specify credentials.
  • No -s will create one large SSTable for STCS.
  • -s will not affect DTCS; it will create one large SSTable.


  • If you do not specify a keyspace or table, a major compaction is run on all keyspaces and tables.
  • If you specify only a keyspace, a major compaction is run on all tables in that keyspace.
  • If you specify one or more tables, a major compaction is run on those tables.

Major compactions may behave differently depending which compaction strategy is used for the affected tables:

  • Size-tiered compaction (STCS) splits repaired and unrepaired data into separate pools for separate compactions. A major compaction generates two SSTables, one for each pool of data.
  • Leveled compaction (LCS) performs size-tiered compaction on unrepaired data. After repair completes, Casandra moves data from the set of unrepaired SSTables to L0.
  • Date-tiered (DTCS) splits repaired and unrepaired data into separate pools for separate compactions. A major compaction generates two SSTables, one for each pool of data.

For more details, see How is data maintained? and Configuring compaction.

Note: A major compaction can cause considerably more disk I/O than minor compactions.