Uninstalling Apache Cassandra 3.0 for Windows

Steps for uninstalling Cassandra.

To uninstall:

  1. Use either:
    • Uninstall DataStax Community Edition on the Start menu
    • Windows Uninstall a program on the Control Panel
  2. To remove any remaining files, delete the C:\Program Files\DataStax Community folder.
    C:\> rmdir /s "Program Files\DataStax Community"

To uninstall:

  1. Use either:
    • Uninstall DataStax Distribution of Apache Cassandra on the Start menu
    • Windows Uninstall a program on the Control Panel
  2. To remove any remaining files, delete the C:\Program Files\DataStax-DDC folder.
    C:\> rmdir /s "Program Files\DataStax-DDC"