nodetool clearsnapshot

Removes one or more snapshots.

Removes one or more snapshots.


C:\> %CASSANDRA_HOME%\bin\nodetool <options> clearsnapshot -t <snapshot> --  <keyspace> ... 
Short Long Description
-h --host Hostname or IP address.
-p --port Port number.
-pwf --password-file Password file path.
-pw --password Password.
-u --username Remote JMX agent username.
-t Remove the snapshot with a designated name.
keyspace Remove snapshots from the designated keyspaces, separated by a space.
snapshot Name of the snapshot.
-- Separates an option from an argument that could be mistaken for a option.


Deletes snapshots in one or more keyspaces. To remove all snapshots, omit the snapshot name.

Note: The clearsnapshot command doesn't always succeed when invoked (if, for example, the associated SSTables are still being mapped). If clearsnapshot fails, Cassandra retries periodically, and also when the node is shutdown or restarted.
Windows 3.0 installations C:\Program Files\Datastax Community\apache-cassandra\
Windows 3.x installations C:\Program Files\Datastax-DDC\apache-cassandra\
On a standard Windows installation, the installation wizard creates %CASSANDRA_HOME% as an environment variable.