Class Collection<Schema>

Represents the interface to a collection in the database.

Shouldn't be directly instantiated, but rather created via Db.createCollection, or connected to using Db.collection.

Typed as Collection<Schema> where Schema is the type of the documents in the collection. Operations on the collection will be strongly typed if a specific schema is provided, otherwise remained largely weakly typed if no type is provided, which may be preferred for dynamic data access & operations.


interface PersonSchema {
  name: string,
  age?: number,

const collection = await db.createCollection<PersonSchema>('my_collection');
await collection.insertOne({ _id: '1', name: 'John Doe' });
await collection.drop();


  • SomeDoc
  • VectorDoc

Type Parameters



#db: Db
#httpClient: DataAPIHttpClient
collectionName: string

The name of the collection.

keyspace: string

The keyspace that the collection resides in.

namespace: string

The keyspace that the collection resides in.

This is now a deprecated alias for the strictly equivalent Collection.keyspace, and will be removed in an upcoming major version.




  • Execute arbitrary operations sequentially/concurrently on the collection, such as insertions, updates, replaces, & deletions, non-atomically

    Note: prefer not to use this method; its implementation is subject to change on short notice.

    Each operation is treated as a separate, unrelated request to the server; it is not performed in a transaction.

    You can set the ordered option to true to stop the operations after the first error, otherwise all operations may be parallelized and processed in arbitrary order, improving, perhaps vastly, performance.

    Note that the bulkWrite being ordered has nothing to do with if the operations themselves are ordered or not.

    If an operational error occurs, the operation will throw a BulkWriteError containing the partial result.

    If the exception is not due to a soft 2XX error, e.g. a 5xx error or network error, the operation will throw the underlying error.

    In case of an unordered request, if the error was a simple operational error, a BulkWriteError will be thrown after every operation has been attempted. If it was a 5xx or similar, the error will be thrown immediately.

    You can set the parallel option to control how many network requests are made in parallel on unordered insertions. Defaults to 8.


    Returns Promise<BulkWriteResult<Schema>>

    The aggregated result of the operations.


    try {
      // Insert a document, then delete it
      await collection.bulkWrite([
      { insertOne: { document: { _id: '1', name: 'John Doe' } } },
      { deleteOne: { filter: { name: 'John Doe' } } },
      ], { ordered: true });

      // Insert and delete operations, will cause a data race
      await collection.bulkWrite([
      { insertOne: { document: { _id: '1', name: 'John Doe' } } },
      { deleteOne: { filter: { name: 'John Doe' } } },
    } catch (e) {
      if (e instanceof BulkWriteError) {


    BulkWriteError - If the operation fails


    • Prefer to just call the functions manually; this will be removed in an upcoming major release.
  • Counts the number of documents in the collection, optionally with a filter.

    Takes in a limit option which dictates the maximum number of documents that may be present before a TooManyDocumentsToCountError is thrown. If the limit is higher than the highest limit accepted by the Data API, a TooManyDocumentsToCountError will be thrown anyway (i.e. 1000).


    • filter: Filter<Schema>

      A filter to select the documents to count. If not provided, all documents will be counted.

    • upperBound: number

      The maximum number of documents to count.

    • Optional options: WithTimeout

      The options for this operation.

    Returns Promise<number>

    The number of counted documents, if below the provided limit


    await collection.insertMany([
      { _id: '1', name: 'John Doe' },
      { name: 'Jane Doe' },

    const count = await collection.countDocuments({ name: 'John Doe' }, 1000);
    console.log(count); // 1

    // Will throw a TooManyDocumentsToCountError as it counts 1, but the limit is 0
    const count = await collection.countDocuments({ name: 'John Doe' }, 0);


    Count operations are expensive: for this reason, the best practice is to provide a reasonable upperBound according to the caller expectations. Moreover, indiscriminate usage of count operations for sizeable amounts of documents (i.e. in the thousands and more) is discouraged in favor of alternative application-specific solutions. Keep in mind that the Data API has a hard upper limit on the amount of documents it will count, and that an exception will be thrown by this method if this limit is encountered.


    TooManyDocumentsToCountError - If the number of documents counted exceeds the provided limit.



  • Deletes all documents from the collection.

    Unlike Collection.deleteMany, this method is atomic and will delete all documents in the collection in one go, without making multiple network requests to the server.


    • Optional options: WithTimeout

      The options for this operation.

    Returns Promise<void>

    A promise that resolves when the operation is complete.


    Use with caution. Wear a helmet. Don't say I didn't warn you.


    • Prefer the traditional deleteMany({}) instead
  • Deletes many documents from the collection.

    NB. This function paginates the deletion of documents in chunks to avoid running into insertion limits. This means multiple requests may be made to the server, and the operation may not be atomic.

    If an empty filter is passed, all documents in the collection will atomically be deleted in a single API call. Proceed with caution.


    • filter: Filter<Schema>

      A filter to select the documents to delete.

    • Optional options: WithTimeout

      The options for this operation.

    Returns Promise<DeleteManyResult>

    How many documents were deleted.


    await collection.insertMany([
      { _id: '1', name: 'John Doe' },
      { name: 'John Doe' },

    await collection.deleteMany({ name: 'John Doe' });


    This operation is not atomic. Depending on the amount of matching documents, it can keep running (in a blocking way) for a macroscopic amount of time. In that case, new documents that are inserted from another concurrent process/ application at the same time may be deleted during the execution of this method call. In other words, it cannot easily be predicted whether a given newly-inserted document will be picked up by the deleteMany command or not.


    Error - If an empty filter is passed.



  • Atomically deletes a single document from the collection.

    You can specify a sort option to determine which document to delete if multiple documents match the filter.

    See DeleteOneOptions for complete information about the options available for this operation.


    Returns Promise<DeleteOneResult>

    How many documents were deleted.


    // Delete by _id
    await collection.insertOne({ _id: '1', name: 'John Doe' });
    await collection.deleteOne({ _id: '1' });

    // Delete by name
    await collection.insertOne({ name: 'Jane Doe', age: 25 });
    await collection.insertOne({ name: 'Jane Doe', age: 33 });
    await collection.deleteOne({ name: 'Jane Doe' }, { sort: { age: -1 } });

    // Delete by vector search
    await collection.insertOne({ name: 'Jane Doe', $vector: [.12, .52, .32] });
    await collection.deleteOne({}, { sort: { $vector: [.09, .58, .42] }});


    • StrictFilter
    • StrictSort
  • Return a list of the unique values of key across the documents in the collection that match the provided filter.

    NB. This is a client-side operation—this effectively browses all matching documents (albeit with a projection) using the logic of the Collection.find method, and collects the unique value for the given key manually. As such, there may be performance, latency and ultimately billing implications if the amount of matching documents is large.

    The key may use dot-notation to access nested fields, such as 'field', 'field.subfield', 'field.3', 'field.3.subfield', etc. If lists are encountered and no numeric index is specified, all items in the list are pulled.

    Note that on complex extractions, the return type may be not as expected. In that case, it's on the user to cast the return type to the correct one.

    Distinct works with arbitrary objects as well, by creating a deterministic hash of the object and comparing it with the hashes of the objects already seen. This, unsurprisingly, may not be great for performance if you have a lot of records that match, so it's recommended to use distinct on simple values whenever performance or number of records is a concern.

    For details on the behaviour of "distinct" in conjunction with real-time changes in the collection contents, see the remarks on the find command.

    Type Parameters

    • Key extends string


    • key: Key

      The dot-notation key to pick which values to retrieve unique

    • filter: Filter<Schema> = {}

      A filter to select the documents to find. If not provided, all documents will be matched.

    Returns Promise<Flatten<(SomeDoc & ToDotNotation<FoundDoc<Schema>>)[Key]>[]>

    A list of all the unique values selected by the given key


    await collection.insertMany([
      { letter: { value: 'a' }, car: [1] },
      { letter: { value: 'b' }, car: [2, 3] },
      { letter: { value: 'a' }, car: [2], bus: 'no' },

    // ['a', 'b']
    const distinct = await collection.distinct('letter.value');

    await collection.insertOne({
      x: [{ y: 'Y', 0: 'ZERO' }],

    // ['Y']
    await collection.distinct('x.y');

    // [{ y: 'Y', 0: 'ZERO' }]
    await collection.distinct('x.0');

    // ['Y']
    await collection.distinct('x.0.y');

    // ['ZERO']
    await collection.distinct('x.0.0');



  • Drops the collection from the database, including all the documents it contains.

    Once the collection is dropped, this object is still technically "usable", but any further operations on it will fail at the Data API level; thus, it's the user's responsibility to make sure that the collection object is no longer used.


    • Optional options: WithTimeout

      The options for this operation.

    Returns Promise<boolean>

    true if the collection was dropped okay.


    const collection = await db.createCollection('my_collection');
    await collection.drop();


    Use with caution. Wear your safety goggles. Don't say I didn't warn you.

  • Gets an estimate of the count of documents in a collection.

    This operation is faster than Collection.countDocuments but may not be as accurate, and doesn't accept a filter. Unlike the former, It can handle more than 1000 documents.


    • Optional options: WithTimeout

      The options for this operation.

    Returns Promise<number>

    The estimated number of documents in the collection


    This gives a very rough estimate of the number of documents in the collection. It is not guaranteed to be accurate, and should not be used as a source of truth for the number of documents in the collection.

  • Find documents on the collection, optionally matching the provided filter.

    Also accepts sort, limit, skip, includeSimilarity, and projection options.

    The method returns a FindCursor that can then be iterated over.

    NB. If a non-vector-sort sort option is provided, the iteration of all documents may not be atomic—it will iterate over cursors in an approximate way, exhibiting occasional skipped or duplicate documents, with real-time collection insertions/mutations being displayed.

    See FindOptions and FindCursor for complete information about the options available for this operation.


    • filter: Filter<Schema>

      A filter to select the documents to find. If not provided, all documents will be returned.

    • Optional options: FindOptions

      The options for this operation.

    Returns FindCursor<FoundDoc<Schema>, FoundDoc<Schema>>

    A FindCursor which can be iterated over.


    await collection.insertMany([
      { name: 'John Doe', $vector: [.12, .52, .32] },
      { name: 'Jane Doe', $vector: [.32, .52, .12] },
      { name: 'Dane Joe', $vector: [.52, .32, .12] },

    // Find by name
    const cursor1 = collection.find({ name: 'John Doe' });

    // Returns ['John Doe']
    console.log(await cursor1.toArray());

    // Match all docs, sorting by name
    const cursor2 = collection.find({}, {
      sort: { name: 1 },

    // Returns 'Dane Joe', 'Jane Doe', 'John Doe'
    for await (const doc of cursor2) {

    // Find by vector
    const cursor3 = collection.find({}, {
      sort: { $vector: [.12, .52, .32] },

    // Returns 'John Doe'


    Some combinations of arguments impose an implicit upper bound on the number of documents that are returned by the Data API. Namely:

    (a) Vector ANN searches cannot return more than a number of documents that at the time of writing is set to 1000 items.

    (b) When using a sort criterion of the ascending/descending type, the Data API will return a smaller number of documents, set to 20 at the time of writing, and stop there. The returned documents are the top results across the whole collection according to the requested criterion.


    When not specifying sorting criteria at all (by vector or otherwise), the cursor can scroll through an arbitrary number of documents as the Data API and the client periodically exchange new chunks of documents. It should be noted that the behavior of the cursor in the case documents have been added/removed after the find was started depends on database internals, and it is not guaranteed, nor excluded, that such "real-time" changes in the data would be picked up by the cursor.


    • StrictFilter
    • StrictSort
    • StrictProjection
  • Finds a single document in the collection, if it exists.

    You can specify a sort option to determine which document to find if multiple documents match the filter.

    You can also specify a projection option to determine which fields to include in the returned document.

    If performing a vector search, you can set the includeSimilarity option to true to include the similarity score in the returned document as $similarity: number.

    See FindOneOptions for complete information about the options available for this operation.


    Returns Promise<null | FoundDoc<Schema>>

    The found document, or null if no document was found.


    const doc1 = await collection.findOne({
      name: 'John Doe',

    // Will be undefined

    const doc2 = await collection.findOne({}, {
      sort: {
      $vector: [.12, .52, .32],
      includeSimilarity: true,

    // Will be a number


    If you really need skip or includeSortVector, prefer using the Collection.find method instead with limit: 1.


    • StrictFilter
    • StrictSort
    • StrictProjection
  • Atomically finds a single document in the collection and deletes it.

    You can specify a sort option to determine which document to find if multiple documents match the filter.

    You can also set projection to determine which fields to include in the returned document.

    If you just want the document, either omit includeResultMetadata, or set it to false.

    See FindOneAndDeleteOptions for complete information about the options available for this operation.


    Returns Promise<ModifyResult<Schema>>

    The result of the operation


    await collection.insertOne({ _id: '1', name: 'John Doe' });

    const result = await collection.findOneAndDelete(
      { _id: '1' },
      { includeResultMetadata: true, }

    // Prints { _id: '1', name: 'John Doe' }

    // Prints 1



  • Atomically finds a single document in the collection and deletes it.

    You can specify a sort option to determine which document to find if multiple documents match the filter.

    You can also set projection to determine which fields to include in the returned document.

    If you want the ok status along with the document, set includeResultMetadata to true.

    See FindOneAndDeleteOptions for complete information about the options available for this operation.


    • filter: Filter<Schema>

      A filter to select the document to find.

    • Optional options: FindOneAndDeleteOptions & {
          includeResultMetadata?: false;

      The options for this operation.

    Returns Promise<null | WithId<Schema>>

    The deleted document, or null if no document was found.


    await collection.insertOne({ _id: '1', name: 'John Doe' });
    const doc = await collection.findOneAndDelete({ _id: '1' });

    // Prints { _id: '1', name: 'John Doe' }



  • Atomically finds a single document in the collection and replaces it.

    If upsert is set to true, it will insert the replacement regardless of if no match is found.

    Set returnDocument to 'after' to return the document as it is after the replacement, or 'before' to return the document as it was before the replacement.

    You can specify a sort option to determine which document to find if multiple documents match the filter.

    You can also set projection to determine which fields to include in the returned document.

    If you just want the document, either omit includeResultMetadata, or set it to false.

    See FindOneAndReplaceOptions for complete information about the options available for this operation.


    • filter: Filter<Schema>

      A filter to select the document to find.

    • replacement: NoId<Schema>

      The replacement document, which contains no _id field.

    • options: FindOneAndReplaceOptions & {
          includeResultMetadata: true;

      The options for this operation.

    Returns Promise<ModifyResult<Schema>>

    The result of the operation


    await collection.insertOne({ _id: '1', band: 'ZZ Top' });

    const result = await collection.findOneAndReplace(
      { _id: '1' },
      { name: 'John Doe' },
      { returnDocument: 'after', includeResultMetadata: true },

    // Prints { _id: '1', name: 'John Doe' }

    // Prints 1



  • Atomically finds a single document in the collection and replaces it.

    If upsert is set to true, it will insert the replacement regardless of if no match is found.

    Set returnDocument to 'after' to return the document as it is after the replacement, or 'before' to return the document as it was before the replacement.

    You can specify a sort option to determine which document to find if multiple documents match the filter.

    You can also set projection to determine which fields to include in the returned document.

    If you want the ok status along with the document, set includeResultMetadata to true.

    See FindOneAndReplaceOptions for complete information about the options available for this operation.


    • filter: Filter<Schema>

      A filter to select the document to find.

    • replacement: NoId<Schema>

      The replacement document, which contains no _id field.

    • Optional options: FindOneAndReplaceOptions & {
          includeResultMetadata?: false;

      The options for this operation.

    Returns Promise<null | WithId<Schema>>

    The document before/after replacement, depending on the type of returnDocument


    await collection.insertOne({ _id: '1', band: 'ZZ Top' });

    const doc = await collection.findOneAndReplace(
      { _id: '1' },
      { name: 'John Doe' },
      { returnDocument: 'after', includeResultMetadata: true },

    // Prints { _id: '1', name: 'John Doe' }



  • Atomically finds a single document in the collection and updates it.

    Set returnDocument to 'after' to return the document as it is after the update, or 'before' to return the document as it was before the update.

    You can specify a sort option to determine which document to find if multiple documents match the filter.

    You can also set upsert to true to insert a new document if no document matches the filter.

    If you just want the document, either omit includeResultMetadata, or set it to false.

    See FindOneAndUpdateOptions for complete information about the options available for this operation.


    Returns Promise<ModifyResult<Schema>>

    The result of the operation


    const result = await collection.findOneAndUpdate(
      { _id: '1' },
      { $set: { name: 'Jane Doe' } },
      { returnDocument: 'after', includeResultMetadata: true },

    // Prints { _id: '1', name: 'Jane Doe' }

    // Prints 1


    • StrictFilter
    • StrictUpdateFilter
  • Atomically finds a single document in the collection and updates it.

    Set returnDocument to 'after' to return the document as it is after the update, or 'before' to return the document as it was before the update.

    You can specify a sort option to determine which document to find if multiple documents match the filter.

    You can also set upsert to true to insert a new document if no document matches the filter.

    If you want the ok status along with the document, set includeResultMetadata to true.

    See FindOneAndUpdateOptions for complete information about the options available for this operation.


    Returns Promise<null | WithId<Schema>>

    The document before/after the update, depending on the type of returnDocument


    const doc = await collection.findOneAndUpdate(
      { _id: '1' },
      { $set: { name: 'Jane Doe' } },
      { returnDocument: 'after'},

    // Prints { _id: '1', name: 'Jane Doe' }


    • StrictFilter
    • StrictUpdateFilter
  • Inserts many documents into the collection.

    NB. This function paginates the insertion of documents in chunks to avoid running into insertion limits. This means multiple requests may be made to the server, and the operation may not be atomic.

    If any document does not contain an _id field, the server will generate an id for the document. The type of the id may be specified in CollectionOptions.defaultId at creation, otherwise it'll just be a UUID string. This generation will not mutate the documents.

    If any _id is provided which corresponds to a document that already exists in the collection, an error is raised, and the insertion (partially) fails.

    You may set the ordered option to true to stop the operation after the first error; otherwise all documents may be parallelized and processed in arbitrary order, improving, perhaps vastly, performance.

    You can set the concurrency option to control how many network requests are made in parallel on unordered insertions. Defaults to 8.

    If a 2XX insertion error occurs, the operation will throw an InsertManyError containing the partial result.

    See InsertManyOptions for complete information about the options available for this operation.


    Returns Promise<InsertManyResult<Schema>>

    The IDs of the inserted documents (and the count)


    try {
      await collection.insertMany([
      { _id: '1', name: 'John Doe' },
      { name: 'Jane Doe' },

      await collection.insertMany([
      { _id: '1', name: 'John Doe', $vector: [.12, .52, .32] },
      { name: 'Jane Doe', $vectorize: "The Ace of Spades" },
      ], {
      ordered: true,

      const batch = Array.from({ length: 500 }, (_, i) => ({
      name: 'Thing #' + i,
      await collection.insertMany(batch, { concurrency: 10 });
    } catch (e) {
      if (e instanceof InsertManyError) {


    This operation is not atomic. Depending on the amount of inserted documents, and if it's ordered or not, it can keep running (in a blocking way) for a macroscopic amount of time. In that case, new documents that are inserted from another concurrent process/application may be inserted during the execution of this method call, and if there are duplicate keys, it's not easy to predict which application will win the race.


    If a thrown exception is not due to an insertion error, e.g. a 5xx error or network error, the operation will throw the underlying error.

    In case of an unordered request, if the error was a simple insertion error, a InsertManyError will be thrown after every document has been attempted to be inserted. If it was a 5xx or similar, the error will be thrown immediately.


    InsertManyError - If the operation fails.

  • Inserts a single document into the collection atomically.

    If the document does not contain an _id field, the server will generate an id for the document. The type of the id may be specified in CollectionOptions.defaultId at creation, otherwise it'll just be a UUID string. This generation does not mutate the document.

    If an _id is provided which corresponds to a document that already exists in the collection, an error is raised, and the insertion fails.

    See InsertOneOptions for complete information about the options available for this operation.


    Returns Promise<InsertOneResult<Schema>>

    The ID of the inserted document.


    // Insert a document with a specific ID
    await collection.insertOne({ _id: '1', name: 'John Doe' });
    await collection.insertOne({ _id: new ObjectID(), name: 'Jane Doe' });
    await collection.insertOne({ _id: UUID.v7(), name: 'Dane Joe' });

    // Insert a document with an autogenerated ID
    await collection.insertOne({ name: 'Jane Doe' });

    // Insert a vector-enabled document
    await collection.insertOne({ name: 'Jane Doe', $vector: [.12, .52, .32] });
    await collection.insertOne({ name: 'Jane Doe', $vectorize: "Hey there!" });

    // Use the inserted ID (generated or not)
    const resp = await collection.insertOne({ name: 'Lemmy' });
  • Get the collection options, i.e. its configuration as read from the database.

    The method issues a request to the Data API each time it is invoked, without caching mechanisms; this ensures up-to-date information for usages such as real-time collection validation by the application.


    • Optional options: WithTimeout

      The options for this operation.

    Returns Promise<CollectionOptions<SomeDoc>>

    The options that the collection was created with (i.e. the vector and indexing operations).


    const options = await;
  • Replaces a single document in the collection.

    If upsert is set to true, it will insert the replacement regardless of if no match is found.

    See ReplaceOneOptions for complete information about the options available for this operation.


    • filter: Filter<Schema>

      A filter to select the document to replace.

    • replacement: NoId<Schema>

      The replacement document, which contains no _id field.

    • Optional options: ReplaceOneOptions

      The options for this operation.

    Returns Promise<ReplaceOneResult<Schema>>

    A summary of what changed.


    await collection.insertOne({
      _id: '1',
      name: 'John Doe',
      $vector: [.12, .52, .32],

    // Replace by ID
    await collection.replaceOne({ _id: '1' }, { name: 'Jane Doe' });

    // Replace by name
    await collection.replaceOne({
      name: 'John Doe',
    }, {
      name: 'Jane Doe',
      $vector: [.08, .57, .23],

    // Replace by vector
    await collection.replaceOne({}, {
      name: 'Jane Doe'
    }, {
      sort: { $vector: [.09, .58, .22] },

    // Upsert if no match
    await collection.replaceOne({
      name: 'Lynyrd Skynyrd',
    }, {
      name: 'Lenerd Skinerd',
    }, {
      upsert: true,


    • StrictFilter
    • StrictSort
  • Updates many documents in the collection.

    NB. This function paginates the updating of documents in chunks to avoid running into insertion limits. This means multiple requests may be made to the server, and the operation may not be atomic.

    If upsert is set to true, it will insert a document if no match is found.

    You can also specify a sort option to determine which documents to update if multiple documents match the filter.

    See UpdateManyOptions for complete information about the options available for this operation.


    Returns Promise<UpdateManyResult<SomeDoc>>

    A summary of what changed.


    await collection.insertMany([
      { _id: '1', name: 'John Doe', car: 'Renault Twizy' },
      { _id: UUID.v4(), name: 'Jane Doe' },
      { name: 'Dane Joe' },

    // Will give 'Jane' and 'Dane' a car 'unknown'
    await collection.updateMany({
      car: { $exists: false },
    }, {
      $set: { car: 'unknown' },

    // Will upsert a document with name 'Anette' and car 'Volvo v90'
    await collection.updateMany({
      name: 'Anette',
    }, {
      $set: { car: 'Volvo v90' },
    }, {
      upsert: true,


    This operation is not atomic. Depending on the amount of matching documents, it can keep running (in a blocking way) for a macroscopic amount of time. In that case, new documents that are inserted from another concurrent process/ application at the same time may be updated during the execution of this method call. In other words, it cannot easily be predicted whether a given newly-inserted document will be picked up by the updateMany command or not.


    • StrictFilter
    • StrictUpdateFilter
  • Atomically updates a single document in the collection.

    If upsert is set to true, it will insert the document if no match is found.

    You can also specify a sort option to determine which document to update if multiple documents match the filter.

    See UpdateOneOptions for complete information about the options available for this operation.


    Returns Promise<UpdateOneResult<Schema>>

    A summary of what changed.


    // Update by ID
    await collection.insertOne({ _id: '1', name: 'John Doe' });

    await collection.updateOne(
      { _id: '1' },
      { $set: { name: 'Jane Doe' }

    // Update by vector search
    await collection.insertOne({ name: 'John Doe', $vector: [.12, .52, .32] });

    await collection.updateOne(
      { name: 'John Doe' },
      { $set: { name: 'Jane Doe', $vectorize: "Oooooh, she's a little runaway" } },
      { sort: { $vector: [.09, .58, .21] } }


    • StrictFilter
    • StrictUpdateFilter
    • StrictSort