An administrative class for managing Astra databases, including creating, listing, and deleting databases.

Shouldn't be instantiated directly; use DataAPIClient.admin to obtain an instance of this class.

To perform admin tasks on a per-database basis, see the AstraDbAdmin class.


const client = new DataAPIClient('token');

// Create an admin instance with the default token
const admin1 = client.admin();

// Create an admin instance with a custom token
const admin2 = client.admin({ adminToken: 'stronger-token' });

const dbs = await admin1.listDatabases();


  • DataAPIClient.admin
  • AstraDbAdmin

Hierarchy (view full)



#defaultOpts: ParsedRootClientOpts
#environment: "dev" | "prod" | "test"
#httpClient: DevOpsAPIHttpClient
#listeners: Partial<Record<keyof AdminCommandEventMap, ((event) => void)[]>> = {}
#parent: null | Pick<HierarchicalEmitter<AdminCommandEventMap>, "emit">



  • Creates a new database with the given configuration.

    NB. this is a long-running operation. See AstraAdminBlockingOptions about such blocking operations. The default polling interval is 10 seconds. Expect it to take roughly 2 min to complete.

    Note that the name field is non-unique and thus creating a database, even with the same options, is not idempotent.

    You may also provide options for the implicit Db instance that will be created with the database, which will override any default options set when creating the DataAPIClient through a deep merge (i.e. unset properties in the options object will just default to the default options).

    See CreateAstraDatabaseOptions for complete information about the options available for this operation.


    Returns Promise<AstraDbAdmin>

    The AstraDbAdmin instance for the newly created database.


    const newDbAdmin1 = await admin.createDatabase({
      name: 'my_database_1',
      cloudProvider: 'GCP',
      region: 'us-east1',

    // Prints '[]' as there are no collections in the database yet

    const newDbAdmin2 = await admin.createDatabase({
      name: 'my_database_2',
      cloudProvider: 'GCP',
      region: 'us-east1',
      keyspace: 'my_keyspace',
    }, {
      blocking: false,
      dbOptions: {
      useHttp2: false,
      token: '<weaker-token>',

    // Can't do much else as the database is still initializing


    Note that if you choose not to block, the returned AstraDbAdmin object will not be very useful until the operation completes, which is up to the caller to determine.

  • Spawns a new Db instance using a direct endpoint and given options.

    This endpoint should include the protocol and the hostname, but not the path. It's typically in the form of https://<db_id>-<region>, but it can be used with DSE or any other Data-API-compatible endpoint.

    The given options will override any default options set when creating the DataAPIClient through a deep merge (i.e. unset properties in the options object will just default to the default options).


    • endpoint: string

      The direct endpoint to use.

    • Optional options: DbOptions

      Any options to override the default options set when creating the DataAPIClient.

    Returns Db

    A new Db instance.


    const admin = new DataAPIClient('token').admin();

    const db1 = admin.db('https://<db_id>-<region>');

    const db2 = admin.db('https://<db_id>-<region>', {
      keyspace: 'my-keyspace',
      useHttp2: false,


    Note that this does not perform any IO or validation on if the endpoint is valid or not. It's up to the user to ensure that the endpoint is correct. If you want to create an actual database, see AstraAdmin.createDatabase instead.

  • Spawns a new Db instance using a direct endpoint and given options.

    This overload is purely for user convenience, but it only supports using Astra as the underlying database. For DSE or any other Data-API-compatible endpoint, use the other overload instead.

    The given options will override any default options set when creating the DataAPIClient through a deep merge (i.e. unset properties in the options object will just default to the default options).


    • id: string

      The database ID to use.

    • region: string

      The region to use.

    • Optional options: DbOptions

      Any options to override the default options set when creating the DataAPIClient.

    Returns Db

    A new Db instance.


    const admin = new DataAPIClient('token').admin();

    const db1 = admin.db('a6a1d8d6-31bc-4af8-be57-377566f345bf', 'us-east1');

    const db2 = admin.db('a6a1d8d6-31bc-4af8-be57-377566f345bf', 'us-east1', {
      keyspace: 'my-keyspace',
      useHttp2: false,


    Note that this does not perform any IO or validation on if the endpoint is valid or not. It's up to the user to ensure that the endpoint is correct. If you want to create an actual database, see AstraAdmin.createDatabase instead.

  • Spawns a new AstraDbAdmin instance for a database using a direct endpoint and given options.

    This endpoint should include the protocol and the hostname, but not the path. It's typically in the form of https://<db_id>-<region>, but it can be used with DSE or any other Data-API-compatible endpoint.

    The given options are for the underlying implicitly-created Db instance, not the AstraDbAdmin instance. The db admin will use the same options as this AstraAdmin instance.

    The given options will override any default options set when creating the DataAPIClient through a deep merge (i.e. unset properties in the options object will just default to the default options).


    • endpoint: string

      The direct endpoint to use.

    • Optional options: DbOptions

      Any options to override the default options set when creating the DataAPIClient.

    Returns AstraDbAdmin

    A new Db instance.


    const admin = new DataAPIClient('token').admin();

    const dbAdmin1 = admin.dbAdmin('https://<db_id>-<region>...');

    const dbAdmin2 = admin.dbAdmin('https://<db_id>-<region>...', {
      keyspace: 'my-keyspace',
      useHttp2: false,


    Note that this does not perform any IO or validation on if the endpoint is valid or not. It's up to the user to ensure that the endpoint is correct. If you want to create an actual database, see AstraAdmin.createDatabase instead.

  • Spawns a new Db instance using a direct endpoint and given options.

    This overload is purely for user convenience, but it only supports using Astra as the underlying database. For DSE or any other Data-API-compatible endpoint, use the other overload instead.

    The given options are for the underlying implicitly-created Db instance, not the AstraDbAdmin instance. The db admin will use the same options as this AstraAdmin instance.

    The given options will override any default options set when creating the DataAPIClient through a deep merge (i.e. unset properties in the options object will just default to the default options).


    • id: string

      The database ID to use.

    • region: string

      The region to use.

    • Optional options: DbOptions

      Any options to override the default options set when creating the DataAPIClient.

    Returns AstraDbAdmin

    A new Db instance.


    const admin = new DataAPIClient('token').admin();

    const dbAdmin1 = admin.dbAdmin('a6a1d8d6-...-377566f345bf', 'us-east1');

    const dbAdmin2 = admin.dbAdmin('a6a1d8d6-...-377566f345bf', 'us-east1', {
      keyspace: 'my-keyspace',
      useHttp2: false,


    Note that this does not perform any IO or validation on if the endpoint is valid or not. It's up to the user to ensure that the endpoint is correct. If you want to create an actual database, see AstraAdmin.createDatabase instead.

  • Fetches the complete information about the database, such as the database name, IDs, region, status, actions, and other metadata.


    • id: string
    • Optional options: WithTimeout<"databaseAdminTimeoutMs">

    Returns Promise<AstraDbAdminInfo>

    A promise that resolves to the complete database information.


    const info = await'<db_id>');
    console.log(, info.creationTime);
  • Terminates a database by ID or by a given Db instance.

    NB. this is a long-running operation. See AstraAdminBlockingOptions about such blocking operations. The default polling interval is 10 seconds. Expect it to take roughly 6-7 min to complete.

    The database info will still be accessible by ID, or by using the AstraAdmin.listDatabases method with the filter set to 'ALL' or 'TERMINATED'. However, all of its data will very much be lost.


    • db: string | Db

      The database to drop, either by ID or by instance.

    • Optional options: AstraDropDatabaseOptions

      The options for the blocking behavior of the operation.

    Returns Promise<void>

    A promise that resolves when the operation completes.


    const db = client.db('https://<db_id>-<region>');
    await admin.dropDatabase(db);

    // Or just
    await admin.dropDatabase('a6a1d8d6-31bc-4af8-be57-377566f345bf');


    Use with caution. Wear a harness. Don't say I didn't warn you.

  • Lists all databases in the current org/account, matching the optionally provided filter.

    Note that this method is paginated, but the page size is high enough that most users won't need to worry about it. However, you can use the limit and skip options to control the number of results returned and the starting point for the results, as needed.

    You can also filter by the database status using the include option, and by the database provider using the provider option.

    See ListAstraDatabasesOptions for complete information about the options available for this operation.


    Returns Promise<AstraDbAdminInfo[]>

    A list of the complete information for all the databases matching the given filter.


    const admin = new DataAPIClient('AstraCS:...').admin();

    const activeDbs = await admin.listDatabases({ include: 'ACTIVE' });

    for (const db of activeDbs) {
      console.log(`Database ${} is active`);
  • Subscribe to an event once.

    The listener will be automatically unsubscribed after the first time it is called.

    Note that the listener will be unsubscribed BEFORE the actual listener callback is invoked.

    Type Parameters


    • eventName: E

      The event to listen for.

    • listener: ((event) => void)

      The callback to invoke when the event is emitted.

    Returns (() => void)

    A function to prematurely unsubscribe the listener.

      • (): void
      • Returns void