
Represents a date column for Data API tables,


dates consist simply of a year, a month, and a date.

  • The year may be either positive or negative, and must be at least four digits long (with leading padding zeros if necessary).

  • The month must be between 1-12 (not zero-indexed like JS dates), and must be two digits long.

  • The day must be a valid day for the given month, and starts at 1. It must also be two digits long. Feb 29th is allowed on leap years

Together, the hypothetical pseudo-regex would be as such: [+-]?YYY(Y+)-MM-DD.

Note that the DataAPIDate's parser is lenient on if the leading + is included or not. For example, +2000-01-01 is accepted, even if it is not technically valid; same with 10000-01-01. A plus will be prepended in DataAPIDate.toString as necessary.


There are a number of different ways to initialize a DataAPIDate:


// Convert a native JS `Date` to a `DataAPIDate` (extracting only the local date)
new DataAPIDate(new Date('2004-09-14T12:00:00.000')) // '2004-09-14'

// Parse a date given the above date-string format
new DataAPIDate('+2004-09-14')

// Create a `DataAPIDate` from a year, a month, and a date
new DataAPIDate(2004, 9, 14)

// Get the current date (using the local timezone)

// Get the current date (using UTC)

// Create a `DataAPIDate` from a year and a valid day of the year
DataAPIDate.ofYearDay(2004, 258) // '2004-09-14'

// Create a `DataAPIDate` given the number of days since the epoch (may be negative)
DataAPIDate.ofEpochDay(12675) // '2004-09-14'
The date shorthand

You may use the date shorthand function-object anywhere when creating new DataAPIDates.


// equiv. to `new DataAPIDate('2004-09-14')`

// equiv. to `new DataAPIDate(2004, 9, 14)`
date(2004, 9, 14)

// equiv. to `DataAPIDate.now()`

See the official DataStax documentation for more information.





  • Overview

    Converts a native JS Date to a DataAPIDate (extracting only the local date).


    • date: Date

      The Date object to convert

    Returns DataAPIDate


    new DataAPIDate(new Date('2004-09-14T12:00:00.000')) // '2004-09-14'

    date(new Date('-200004-09-14')) // '200004-09-14'
  • Overview

    Parses a DataAPIDate from a string in the format [+-]?YYY(Y+)-MM-DD.

    See DataAPIDate for more info about the exact format.


    • date: string

      The date to parse

    Returns DataAPIDate


    new DataAPIDate('2004-09-14') // '2004-09-14'

    date('-2004-09-14') // '-2004-09-14'

    date('+123456-09-14') // '123456-09-14'
  • Internal

    Should not be called by user directly.


    • time: string
    • strict: boolean

    Returns DataAPIDate

  • Overview

    Creates a DataAPIDate from a year, a month, and a date.

    The year may be negative. The month and day are both 1-indexed.

    The date must be valid for the given month, otherwise an exception will be thrown.


    • year: number

      The year to use

    • month: number

      The month to use (1-indexed)

    • date: number

      The date to use (1-indexed)

    Returns DataAPIDate


    new DataAPIDate(2004, 9, 14) // '2004-09-14'

    date(-200004, 9, 14) // '-200004-09-14'


date: number

The date component of this DataAPIDate.

Must be a valid day for the given month.

month: number

The month component of this DataAPIDate.

Must be between 1-12.

year: number

The year component of this DataAPIDate.

May be negative.


  • Overview

    Compares this DataAPIDate to another DataAPIDate


    Returns -1 | 0 | 1

    0 if the dates are equal, -1 if this date is before the other, and 1 if this date is after the other


    date('2004-09-14').compare(date(2004, 9, 14)) // 0

    date('2004-09-14').compare(date(2004, 9, 15)) // -1

    date('2004-09-15').compare(date(2004, 9, 14)) // 1
  • Overview

    Checks if this DataAPIDate is equal to another DataAPIDate


    Returns boolean

    true if the dates are equal, and false otherwise


    date('2004-09-14').equals(date(2004, 9, 14)) // true

    date('2004-09-14').equals(date(2004, 9, 15)) // false

    date('2004-09-15').equals(date(2004, 9, 14)) // false
  • Overview

    Adds a DataAPIDuration or a duration string to this DataAPIDate.

    Duration strings will be parsed into a DataAPIDuration before being added.

    Durations may be negative, in which case the duration will be subtracted from this date.


    Returns DataAPIDate

    A new DataAPIDate representing the result of adding the duration to this date


    date('2000-01-01').plus('1y47h59m') // '2001-01-02'

    date('2000-01-01').plus('365d') // '2000-12-31'

    date('2000-01-01').plus('366d') // '2001-01-01'
  • Overview

    Converts this DataAPIDate to a Date object in the local timezone.

    If no base date/time is provided, the time component defaults to 00:00:00 (local time).

    If the base parameter is a DataAPITime, it is interpreted as being in the local timezone, not UTC.

    See DataAPIDate.toDateUTC for a UTC-based alternative to this method.


    • Optional base: Date | DataAPITime

      The base date/time to use for the time component. If omitted, defaults to 00:00:00 (local time).

    Returns Date

    The Date object representing this DataAPIDate in the local timezone.


    // Assuming the local timezone is UTC-6 (CST) //

    // Local Time: '2000-01-01T12:00:00'
    // UTC Time: '2000-01-01T18:00:00Z'
    date('2000-01-01').toDate(new Date('1970-01-01T12:00:00'));

    // Local Time: '2000-01-01T06:00:00'
    // UTC Time: '2000-01-01T12:00:00Z'
    date('2000-01-01').toDate(new Date('1970-01-01T12:00:00Z'));

    // Local Time: '2000-01-01T12:00:00'
    // UTC Time: '2000-01-01T18:00:00Z'
    date('2000-01-01').toDate(new DataAPITime('12:00:00'));

    // Local Time: '2000-01-01T00:00:00'
    // UTC Time: '2000-01-01T06:00:00Z'



  • Overview

    Converts this DataAPIDate to a Date object in UTC.

    If no base date/time is provided, the time component defaults to 00:00:00 (UTC).

    If the base parameter is a DataAPITime, it is interpreted as being in the UTC timezone.

    See DataAPIDate.toDate for a local-time-based alternative to this method.


    • Optional base: Date | DataAPITime

      The base time to use for the time component. If omitted, defaults to 00:00:00 UTC.

    Returns Date

    The Date object representing this DataAPIDate in UTC.


    // Assuming the local timezone is UTC-6 (CST) //

    // Local Time: '2000-01-01T12:00:00'
    // UTC Time: '2000-01-01T18:00:00Z'
    date('2000-01-01').toDateUTC(new Date('1970-01-01T12:00:00'));

    // Local Time: '2000-01-01T06:00:00'
    // UTC Time: '2000-01-01T12:00:00Z'
    date('2000-01-01').toDateUTC(new Date('1970-01-01T12:00:00Z'));

    // Local Time: '2000-01-01T12:00:00'
    // UTC Time: '2000-01-01T18:00:00Z'
    date('2000-01-01').toDateUTC(new DataAPITime('12:00:00'));

    // Local Time: '1999-12-31T18:00:00'
    // UTC Time: '2000-01-01T00:00:00Z'



  • Overview

    Returns the string representation of this DataAPIDate

    Note that a + is prepended to the year if it is greater than or equal to 10000.

    Returns string

    The string representation of this DataAPIDate


    date('2004-09-14').toString() // '2004-09-14'

    date(-2004, 9, 14).toString() // '-2004-09-14'

    date('123456-01-01').toString() // '+123456-01-01'
  • Overview

    Creates a DataAPIDate from the number of days since the epoch.

    The number may be negative, but must be an integer within the range [-100_000_000, 100_000_000].


    • this: void
    • epochDays: number

      The number of days since the epoch (may be negative)

    Returns DataAPIDate

    The date representing the given number of days since the epoch


    DataAPIDate.ofEpochDay(0) // '1970-01-01'

    date.ofEpochDay(12675) // '2004-09-14'

    date.ofEpochDay(-1) // '1969-12-31'
  • Overview

    Creates a DataAPIDate from a year and a valid day of the year.

    The year may be negative.

    The day-of-year must be valid for the year, otherwise an exception will be thrown.


    • this: void
    • year: number

      The year to use

    • dayOfYear: number

      The day of the year to use (1-indexed)

    Returns DataAPIDate

    The date representing the given year and day of the year


    DataAPIDate.ofYearDay(2004, 258) // 2004-09-14

    date.ofYearDay(2004, 1) // 2004-01-01

    date.ofYearDay(2004, 366) // 2004-12-31 (ok b/c 2004 is a leap year)