Interface AstraDbAdminInfo

The database information returned from & AstraAdmin.dbInfo.

interface AstraDbAdminInfo {
    cloudProvider: AstraDbCloudProvider;
    createdAt: Date;
    environment: "dev" | "prod" | "test";
    id: string;
    keyspaces: string[];
    lastUsed: Date;
    name: string;
    orgId: string;
    ownerId: string;
    raw: Record<string, any>;
    regions: AstraDbRegionInfo[];
    status: AstraDbStatus;

Hierarchy (view full)


cloudProvider: AstraDbCloudProvider

The cloud provided where the database is hosted.

createdAt: Date

When the database was created.

environment: "dev" | "prod" | "test"

The Astra environment in which the database is running.

id: string

The ID of the database.

keyspaces: string[]

The databases's keyspaces; the list may be empty.

lastUsed: Date

When the database was last used.

name: string

The user-given name of the database.

orgId: string

The organization ID that owns the database.

ownerId: string

The ID of the owner of the database.

raw: Record<string, any>

The raw response from the DevOps API for the database information.

The regions info for the database.

The current status of the daatbase.