User-defined type that contains fields for basic information about a cyclist such as birthday, nationality, height, and weight.
User-defined type that contains fields for basic information about a cyclist such as birthday, nationality, height, and weight. It also includes examples of inserting and updating UDTs with time-expired data.
SOURCE '0_create_keyspace.cql'; // START-droptype DROP TYPE IF EXISTS cycling.basic_info_expire; // END-droptype // START-basicinfoTTLexpiretype CREATE TYPE IF NOT EXISTS cycling.basic_info_expire ( birthday timestamp, nationality text, height text, weight text, next_race text ); // END-basicinfoTTLexpiretype // START-createtable CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS cycling.basic_info_TTL_expire ( id UUID PRIMARY KEY, lastname text, basics basic_info_expire ); // END-createtable // START-insertTTLexpiretype INSERT INTO cycling.basic_info_TTL_expire ( id, lastname, basics ) VALUES ( e7ae5cf3-d358-4d99-b900-85902fda9bb0, 'FRAME', { birthday : '1993-06-18', nationality : 'New Zealand', weight : '175', height : '72', next_race : 'Amgen Tour of California' } ) USING TIMESTAMP 100 AND TTL 10000; // END-insertTTLexpiretype // START-updateTTLexpiretype UPDATE cycling.basic_info_TTL_expire USING TTL 100 SET basics.next_race = 'Tour de France' WHERE id = e7ae5cf3-d358-4d99-b900-85902fda9bb0; // END-updateTTLexpiretype // START-selectTTLexpiretype SELECT * FROM cycling.basic_info_TTL_expire; // END-selectTTLexpiretype // START-selectWritetimeTTLexpiretype SELECT WRITETIME(basics), TTL(basics) FROM cycling.basic_info_TTL_expire WHERE id = e7ae5cf3-d358-4d99-b900-85902fda9bb0; // END-selectWritetimeTTLexpiretype