Package installation directories

Configuration files directory locations.

The configuration files are located in the following directories:

Configuration Files Locations Description
cassandra.yaml /etc/cassandra Main configuration file. /etc/cassandra Linux settings for Java, some JVM, and JMX.
jvm.options /etc/cassandra Static JVM settings for heap, garbage collection, and Cassandra startup parameters. /usr/share/cassandra Sets environment variables. /etc/cassandra Defines the default datacenter and rack used by the GossipingPropertyFileSnitch, Ec2Snitch, Ec2MultiRegionSnitch, and GoogleCloudSnitch. /etc/cassandra Defines the default datacenter and rack used by the PropertyFileSnitch. /etc/cassandra Configures commitlog archiving.
cqlshrc.sample /etc/cassandra Example file for using cqlsh with SSL encryption.
logback.xml /etc/cassandra Configuration file for logback.
triggers /etc/cassandra The default location for the trigger JARs.

The packaged releases install into these directories:

Directories Description
/etc/init.d/cassandra Service startup script.
/etc/security/limits.d Cassandra user limits.
/etc/cassandra Configuration files.
/usr/bin Binary files.
/usr/share/doc/cassandra/examples Sample yaml files for stress testing.
/usr/share/cassandra JAR files and environment settings (
/usr/share/cassandra/lib JAR files.
/var/lib/cassandra Data, commitlog, and saved_caches directories.
/var/log/cassandra Log directory.
/var/run/cassandra Runtime files.