
An offline version of nodetool scrub. It attempts to remove the corrupted parts while preserving non-corrupted data.

The sstablescrub utility is an offline version of nodetool scrub. It attempts to remove the corrupted parts while preserving non-corrupted data. Because sstablescrub runs offline, it can correct errors that nodetool scrub cannot. If an SSTable cannot be read due to corruption, it will be left on disk.

If scrubbing results in dropping rows, new SSTables become unrepaired. However, if no bad rows are detected, the SSTable keeps its original repairedAt field, which denotes the time of the repair.


  1. Before using sstablescrub, try rebuilding the tables using nodetool scrub.

    If nodetool scrub does not fix the problem, use this utility.

  2. Shut down the node.
  3. Run the utility:
    • Package installations:
      $ sstablescrub [options] keyspace table
    • Tarball installations:
      $ cd install_location
      $ bin/sstablescrub [options] keyspace table
    Table 1. Options
    Flag Option Description
    --debug Display stack traces.
    -h --help Display help.
    -m --manifest-check Only check and repair the leveled manifest, without actually scrubbing the SSTables.
    -s --skip-corrupted Skip corrupt rows in counter tables.
    -v --verbose Verbose output.