Database roles

How to create and work with roles.

Roles enable authorization management on a larger scale than security per user can provide. A role is created and may be granted to other roles. Hierarchical sets of permissions can be created. For more information, see Role Based Access Control in Cassandra.


  • Create a role with a password. IF NOT EXISTS is included to ensure a previous role definition is not overwritten.
    cqlsh> CREATE ROLE IF NOT EXISTS team_manager WITH PASSWORD = 'RockIt4Us!';
  • Create a role with LOGIN and SUPERUSER privileges. LOGIN allows a client to identify as this role when connecting. SUPERUSER grants the ability to create roles unconditionally if the role has CREATE permissions.
    cqlsh> CREATE ROLE sys_admin WITH PASSWORD = 'IcanDoIt4ll' AND LOGIN = true AND SUPERUSER = true;
  • Alter a role to change options. A role with SUPERUSER status can alter the SUPERUSER status of another role, but not the role currently held. PASSWORD, LOGIN, and SUPERUSER can be modified with ALTER ROLE. To modify properties of a role, the user must have ALTER permission.
    cqlsh> ALTER ROLE sys_admin WITH PASSWORD = 'All4one1forAll' AND SUPERUSER = false;
  • Grant a role to a user or a role. To execute GRANT and REVOKE statements requires AUTHORIZE permission on the role being granted/revoked.
    cqlsh> GRANT sys_admin TO team_manager;
    GRANT team_manager TO sandy;
  • List roles of a user.
    cqlsh> LIST ROLES;
    LIST ROLES OF sandy;
    Note: NORECURSIVE is an option to discover all roles directly granted to a user. Without NORECURSIVE, transitively acquired roles are also listed.

  • Revoke role that was previously granted to a user or a role. Any permission that derives from the role is revoked.
    cqlsh> REVOKE sys_admin FROM team_manager;
    REVOKE team_manager FROM sandy;
  • Drop role that is not a current role. User must be a SUPERUSER.
    DROP ROLE IF EXISTS sys_admin;