Provisioning a local stack with DataStax Desktop
To start using a DataStax Desktop, select and provision the local stack you want to use.
- Install DataStax Desktop.
- Download, install, and start Docker.
- Start DataStax Desktop.
- Optional: If you want to help DataStax track anonymous usage data, Allow Application Metrics the first time you start DataStax Desktop.
- Accept the DataStax Desktop Terms the first time you start DataStax Desktop.
Create and start the Apache Cassandra stack.
Note: If the required resources are not available, an error shows the needed resources. For more, see DataStax Desktop FAQ.
Launch Guided Experience to start a step-by-step
introduction to Cassandra Query Language (CQL).
This guided experience gives you access to the CQL Shell, along with instructions and explanations for querying, inserting, and updating tables within the provided example.