Restarting the DataStax Connector

Restart the DataStax Apache Kafka Connector .

To restart a DataStax Apache Kafka Connector that was previously running, use the following Kafka Connect REST API command:
Note: Restarting the connector will not restart tasks. If a task fails and then a change is made to correct the issue, use the Restart Task command to rerun the task.
curl -X POST "http://worker_ip:rest_port/connectors/connector_name/restart"
  • worker_ip - The hostname or IP address of the Kafka Connect worker.
  • port - The listening port for the Kafka Connect REST API. By default this service runs on port 8083.
  • connector_name - DataStax Apache Kafka® Connector name.

Example restart

Restarting cassandra-sink-distributed-example:
curl -X POST “http://localhost:8083/connectors/cassandra-sink-distributed-example/restart"
Tip: On success there is no output for this command.