Slow sub-query log for search

Report distributed sub-queries for search (query executions on individual shards) that take longer than a specified period of time.

Report distributed sub-queries for search (query executions on individual shards) that take longer than a specified period of time.

JMX analog



When slow query logging is enabled, this table is created automatically.
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS dse_perf.solr_slow_sub_query_log (
  core text,
  date timestamp,
  coordinator_ip inet,
  query_id timeuuid,
  node_ip inet,
  start_time timeuuid,
  parameters map text, text,
  elapsed_millis bigint,
  component_prepare_millis map<text, bigint>,
  component_process_millis map<text, bigint>,
  num_docs_found bigint,
  PRIMARY KEY ((core, date), coordinator_ip, query_id, node_ip)
coretextName of the search core (keyspace.table) where the slow sub-query was executed.
datetimestampMidnight on the mm/dd/yyyy the slow sub-query started.
coordinator_ipinetDistributed query coordinator IP address.
query_idtimeuuidID of distributed query to which the slow sub-query belongs.
node_ipinetNode IP address.
start_timetimestampTimestamp at the start of the slow sub-query.
parametersmaptext, textSolr query parameters.
elapsed_millisbigintHow long the slow sub-query took.
component_prepare_millismaptext, bigintMap of (component name -> time spent in prepare phase).
component_process_millismaptext, bigintMap of (component name -> time spent in process phase).
num_docs_foundbigintNumber of documents found by the slow sub-query.

Slow Solr sub-queries recorded on 10/17/2015 for core keyspace.table for coordinator at

FROM solr_slow_sub_query_log 
WHERE core = 'keyspace.table' AND date = '2015-10-17' AND coordinator_ip = '';

Slow Solr sub-queries recorded on 10/17/2015 for core keyspace.table for coordinator at for a particular distributed query with an ID of 33e56d33-4e63-11e4-9ce5-335a04d08bd4 :

FROM solr_slow_sub_query_log
WHERE core = 'keyspace.table' 
    AND date = '2015-10-17' 
    AND coordinator_ip = '' 
    AND query_id = 33e56d33-4e63-11e4-9ce5-335a04d08bd4;