DSE Performance Service diagnostic table reference

A complete listing and brief description of DSE Performance Service diagnostic tables.

Reference information on performance diagnostic information in a set of data dictionary tables can be queried with CQL. The following types of performance service diagnostic tables are available:
Note: Table names that contain _snapshot are not related to nodetool snapshot. These tables are snapshots of the data in the last few seconds of activity in the system.

CQL slow log table

Table 1. node_slow_log table

Queries on a node exceeding the threshold_ms parameter.

Column Name Data type Description
node_ip inet Node address.
date timestamp Date of entry (MM/DD/YYYY granularity).
start_time timeuuid Start timestamp of query execution.
commands listtext CQL statements being executed.
duration bigint Execution time in milliseconds.
parameters maptext Not used at this time.
source_ip inet Client address.
table_names settext CQL tables touched.
username text User executing query, if authentication is enabled.

CQL system info tables

Table 2. key_cache table

Key cache performance statistics.

Column Name Data type Description
node_ip inet Node address.
cache_capacity bigint Key cache capacity in bytes.
cache_hits bigint Total number of cache hits since startup.
cache_requests bigint Total number of cache requests since startup.
cache_size bigint Current key cache size in bytes.
hit_rate double Ratio of hits to requests since startup.
Table 3. net_stats table

Data flow operations repair tasks and more.

Column Name Data type Description
node_ip inet Node address.
read_repair_attempted bigint Read repairs attempted since startup.
read_repaired_blocking bigint Number of read repairs performed syncronously since startup.
read_repaired_background bigint Number of read repairs performed asyncronously since startup.
commands_pending int Current number of read repair commands pending.
commands_completed bigint Total read repair commands completed since startup.
responses_pending int Current read repair responses pending count.
responses_completed bigint Current read repairs completed count.
Table 4. thread_pool table

Information on thread pool activity.

Column Name Data type Description
node_ip inet Node address.
pool_name text Thread pool name.
active bigint Currently active tasks.
all_time_blocked bigint Total blocked tasks since startup.
blocked bigint Currently blocked tasks.
completed bigint Total completed tasks since startup.
pending bigint Currently pending tasks.
Table 5. thread_pool_messages table

Information about thread pool messages.

Column Name Data type Description
node_ip inet Node address.
message_type text Internode message type.
dropped_count int Total count of dropped messages since startup.

Data Resource latency tracking tables

Table 6. object_io table

Per node recent latency metrics by keyspace and table.

Column Name Data type Description
node_ip inet Node address.
keyspace_name text Keyspace name.
table_name text Table name.
last_activity timestamp End of sampling period in which this object was last active.
memory_only boolean DSE memory only table.
read_latency double Mean value in microseconds for all reads during the last active sampling period for this object.
total_reads bigint Count during the last active sampling period for this object.
total_writes bigint Count during the last active sampling period for this object.
write_latency double Mean value in microseconds for all writes during the last active sampling period for this object.
Table 7. user_object_read_io_snapshot table

Ordered by user/object and user total write latency.

Column Name Data type Description
keyspace_name text Keyspace name.
table_name text Table name.
node_ip inet Node address.
user_ip inet User node address.
conn_ip inet Connection node address.
username text User name.
read_latency double In microseconds during the last sampling period.
total_reads bigint Count during the last sampling period.
write_latency double In microseconds during the last sampling period.
total_writes bigint Count during the last sampling period.
latency_index int Ranking by mean read latency during the last sampling period.
read_quantiles boolean DSE memory only table.
Table 8. object_read_io_snapshot table

Per node recent latency metrics by keyspace and table. Ordered by user/object and user total write latency.

Column Name Data type Description
keyspace_name text Keyspace name.
table_name text Table name.
node_ip inet Node address.
user_ip inet User node address.
conn_ip inet Connection node address.
username text User name.
read_latency double In microseconds during the last sampling period.
total_reads bigint Count during the last sampling period.
write_latency double In microseconds during the last sampling period.
total_writes bigint Count during the last sampling period.
latency_index int Ranking by mean read latency during the last sampling period.
read_quantiles boolean DSE memory only table.
Table 9. object_write_io_snapshot table

Per node recent latency metrics by keyspace and table. Ordered by mean write latency. Scale of 0 to 99 (0 is worst).

Column Name Data type Description
node_ip inet Node address.
latency_index int Ranking by mean write latency during the last sampling period.
keyspace_name text Keyspace name.
memory_only boolean DSE memory only table.
read_latency double Mean value in microseconds during the active sampling period.
table_name text Table name.
total_reads bigint Count during the last sampling period.
total_writes bigint Count during the last sampling period.
write_latency double Mean value in microseconds during the last sampling period.

Database summary statistics tables

Table 10. node_table_snapshot table

Per node table metrics by keyspace and table.

Column Name Data type Description
node_ip inet Node address.
keyspace_name text Keyspace name.
table_name text Table name.
bf_false_positive_ratio double Bloom filter false positive ratio since startup.
bf_false_positives bigint Bloom filter false positive count since startup.
compression_ratio double Current compression ratio of SSTables.
droppable_tombstone_ratio double Ratio of tombstones older than gc_grace_seconds against total column count in all SSTables.
key_cache_hit_rate double Current key cache hit rate.
live_sstable_count bigint Current SSTable count.
max_row_size bigint Maximum partition size in bytes.
mean_read_latency double In microseconds for this table since startup.
mean_row_size bigint Average partition size in bytes.
mean_write_latency double In microseconds for this table since startup.
memtable_columns_count bigint Approximate number of cells for this table currently resident in memtables.
memtable_size bigint Total size in bytes of memtable data.
memtable_switch_count bigint Number of times memtables have been flushed since startup.
min_row_size bigint Minimum partition size in bytes.
total_data_size bigint Data size on disk in bytes.
total_reads bigint Number of reads since startup.
total_writes bigint Number of writes since startup.
unleveled_sstables bigint Current count of SSTables in level 0 (if using leveled compaction).
Table 11. table_snapshot table

Cluster-wide lifetime table metrics by keyspace and table. This table aggregates node_table_snapshot from each node in the cluster.

Column Name Data type Description
keyspace_name text Keyspace name.
table_name text Table name.
bf_false_positive_ratio double Bloom filter false positive ratio since startup.
bf_false_positives bigint Bloom filter false positive count since startup.
compression_ratio double Current compression ratio of SSTables.
droppable_tombstone_ratio double Ratio of tombstones older than gc_grace_seconds against total column count in all SSTables.
key_cache_hit_rate double Current key cache hit rate.
live_sstable_count bigint Current SSTable count.
max_row_size bigint Maximum partition size in bytes.
mean_read_latency double In microseconds for this table since startup.
mean_row_size bigint Average partition size in bytes.
mean_write_latency double In microseconds for this table since startup.
memtable_columns_count bigint Approximate number of cells for this table currently resident in memtables.
memtable_size bigint Total size in bytes of memtable data.
memtable_switch_count bigint Number of times memtables have been flushed since startup.
min_row_size bigint Minimum partition size in bytes.
total_data_size bigint Data size on disk in bytes.
total_reads bigint Number of reads since startup.
total_writes bigint Number of writes since startup.
unleveled_sstables bigint Current count of SSTables in level 0 (if using leveled compaction).
Table 12. keyspace_snapshot table

Cluster wide lifetime table metrics, aggregated at the keyspace level (aggregates the data in table_snapshot).

Column Name Data type Description
keyspace_name text Keyspace name.
index_count int Number of secondary indexes.
mean_read_latency double For all tables in the keyspace and all nodes in the cluster since startup.
mean_write_latency double For all tables in the keyspace and all nodes in the cluster since startup.
table_count int Number of tables in the keyspace.
total_data_size bigint Total size in bytes of SSTables for all tables and indexes across all nodes in the cluster.
total_reads bigint For all tables, across all nodes.
total_writes bigint For all tables, across all nodes.

Cluster summary statistics tables

Table 13. node_snapshot table

Per node system metrics.

Column Name Data type Description
node_ip inet Node address.
cms_collection_count bigint CMS garbage collections since startup.
cms_collection_time bigint Total time spent in CMS garbage collection since startup.
commitlog_pending_tasks bigint Current commit log tasks pending.
commitlog_size bigint Total commit log size in bytes.
compactions_completed bigint Number of compactions completed since startup.
compactions_pending int Number of pending compactions.
completed_mutations bigint Total number of mutations performed since startup.
data_owned float Percentage of total data owned by this node.
datacenter text Datacenter name.
dropped_mutation_ratio double Ratio of dropped to completed mutations since startup.
dropped_mutations bigint Total number of dropped mutations since startup.
flush_sorter_tasks_pending bigint Current number of memtable flush sort tasks pending.
free_space bigint Total free disk space in bytes.
gossip_tasks_pending bigint Current number of gossip tasks pending.
heap_total bigint Total available heap memory in bytes.
heap_used bigint Current heap usage in bytes.
hinted_handoff_pending bigint Current number of hinted handoff tasks pending.
index_data_size bigint Total size in bytes of index column families.
internal_responses_pending bigint Current number of internal response tasks pending.
key_cache_capacity bigint Key cache capacity in bytes.
key_cache_entries bigint Current number of key cache entries.
key_cache_size bigint Current key cache size in bytes.
manual_repair_tasks_pending bigint Current number of manual repair tasks pending.
mean_range_slice_latency double Mean latency in microseconds for range slice operations since startup.
mean_read_latency double Mean latency in microseconds for reads since startup.
mean_write_latency double Mean latency in microseconds for writes since startup.
memtable_post_flushers_pending bigint Current number of memtable post flush tasks pending.
migrations_pending bigint Current number of migration tasks pending.
misc_tasks_pending bigint Current number of misc tasks pending.
parnew_collection_count bigint ParNew garbage collections since startup.
parnew_collection_time bigint Total time spent in ParNew garbage collection since startup.
process_cpu_load double Current CPU load for the DSE process (Linux only).
rack text Rack identifier.
range_slice_timeouts bigint Number of timed out range slice requests since startup.
read_repair_tasks_pending bigint Current number of read repair tasks pending.
read_requests_pending bigint Current read requests pending.
read_timeouts bigint Number of timed out range slice requests since startup.
replicate_on_write_tasks_pending bigint Current.
request_responses_pending bigint Current.
row_cache_capacity bigint Row cache capacity in byte.s
row_cache_entries bigint Current number of row cache entries.
row_cache_size bigint Current row cache size in bytes.
storage_capacity bigint Total disk space in bytes.
streams_pending int Current number of pending streams.
table_data_size bigint Total size in bytes of non-index column families.
tokens settext Tokens owned by the this node.
total_batches_replayed bigint Total number of batchlog entries replayed since startup
total_node_memory bigint Total available RAM (Linux only).
total_range_slices bigint Total number of range slice operations performed since startup.
total_reads bigint Total number of reads performed since startup.
total_writes bigint Total number of writes performed since startup.
uptime bigint Node uptime in seconds.
write_requests_pending bigint Total number of write tasks pending.
write_timeouts bigint Number of timed out range slice requests since startup.
Table 14. dc_snapshot table

Aggregates node_snapshot data at the datacenter level.

Column Name Data type Description
name text Datacenter name
compactions_completed bigint Total number of compactions completed since startup by all nodes in the data center.
compactions_pending int Total number of pending compactions on all nodes in the datacenter.
completed_mutations bigint Total number of mutations performed since startup by all nodes in the data center.
dropped_mutation_ratio double Ratio of dropped to completed mutations since startup across all nodes in the datacenter.
dropped_mutations bigint Total number of dropped mutations since startup by all nodes in the data center.
flush_sorter_tasks_pending bigint Total number of memtable flush sort tasks pending across all nodes in the datacenter.
free_space bigint Total free disk space in bytes across all nodes in the datacenter.
gossip_tasks_pending bigint Total number of gossip tasks pending across all nodes in the data center.
hinted_handoff_pending bigint Total number of hinted handoff tasks pending across all nodes in the data center.
index_data_size bigint Total size in bytes of index column families across all nodes in the data center.
internal_responses_pending bigint number of internal response tasks pending across all nodes in the data center.
key_cache_capacity bigint Total capacity in bytes of key caches across all nodes in the data center.
key_cache_entries bigint Total number of entries in key caches across all nodes in the data center.
key_cache_size bigint Total consumed size in bytes of key caches across all nodes in the data center.
manual_repair_tasks_pending bigint Total number of manual repair tasks pending across all nodes in the data center.
mean_range_slice_latency double Mean latency in microseconds for range slice operations, averaged across all nodes in the datacenter.
mean_read_latency double Mean latency in microseconds for read operations, averaged across all nodes in the datacenter.
mean_write_latency double Mean latency in microseconds for write operations, averaged across all nodes in the datacenter.
memtable_post_flushers_pending bigint Total number of memtable post flush tasks pending across all nodes in the datacenter.
migrations_pending bigint Total number of migration tasks pending across all nodes in the data center.
misc_tasks_pending bigint Total number of misc tasks pending across all nodes in the datacenter.
node_count int Total number of live nodes in the datacenter.
read_repair_tasks_pending bigint Total number of read repair tasks pending across all nodes in the data center.
read_requests_pending bigint Total read requests pending across all nodes in the datacenter.
replicate_on_write_tasks_pending bigint Total number of counter replicate on write tasks pending across all nodes in the datacenter.
request_responses_pending bigint Total number of request response tasks pending across all nodes in the data center.
row_cache_capacity bigint Total capacity in bytes of partition caches across all nodes in the data center.
row_cache_entries bigint Total number of row cache entries all nodes in the datacenter.
row_cache_size bigint Total consumed size in bytes of row caches across all nodes in the data center.
storage_capacity bigint Total disk space in bytes across all nodes in the datacenter.
streams_pending int number of pending streams across all nodes in the datacenter.
table_data_size bigint Total size in bytes of non-index column families across all nodes in the data center.
total_batches_replayed bigint Total number of batchlog entries replayed since startup by all nodes in the datacenter.
total_range_slices bigint Total number of range slice operations performed since startup by all nodes in the datacenter.
total_reads bigint Total number of read operations performed since startup by all nodes in the datacenter.
total_writes bigint Total number of write operations performed since startup by all nodes in the datacenter.
write_requests_pending bigint Total number of write tasks pending across all nodes in the data center.
Table 15. cluster_snapshot table

Aggregates node_shapshot data for the entire cluster.

Column Name Data type Description
name text Cluster name.
compactions_completed bigint Total number of compactions completed since startup by all nodes in the cluster.
completed_mutations bigint Total number of mutations performed since startup by all nodes in the cluster.
compactions_pending int Total number of pending compactions on all nodes in the cluster.
datacenters settext Datacenter names.
dropped_mutation_ratio double Ratio of dropped to completed mutations since startup across all nodes in the cluster.
dropped_mutations bigint Total number of dropped mutations since startup by all nodes in the cluster.
flush_sorter_tasks_pending bigint Total number of memtable flush sort tasks pending across all nodes in the cluster.
free_space bigint Total free disk space in bytes across all nodes in the cluster.
gossip_tasks_pending bigint Total number of gossip tasks pending across all nodes in the cluster.
hinted_handoff_pending bigint Total number of hinted handoff tasks pending across all nodes in the cluster.
index_data_size bigint Total size in bytes of index column families across all nodes in the cluster.
internal_responses_pending bigint Number of internal response tasks pending across all nodes in the cluster.
key_cache_capacity bigint Total capacity in bytes of key caches across all nodes in the cluster.
key_cache_entries bigint Total number of entries in key caches across all nodes in the cluster.
key_cache_size bigint Total consumed size in bytes of key caches across all nodes in the cluster.
keyspace_count int Total number of keyspaces defined in schema.
manual_repair_tasks_pending bigint Total number of manual repair tasks pending across all nodes in the cluster.
mean_range_slice_latency double Mean latency in microseconds for range slice operations, averaged across all nodes in the cluster.
mean_read_latency double Mean latency in microseconds for read operations, averaged across all nodes in the cluster.
mean_write_latency double Mean latency in microseconds for write operations, averaged across all nodes in the cluster.
memtable_post_flushers_pending bigint Total number of memtable post flush tasks pending across all nodes in the cluster.
migrations_pending bigint Total number of migration tasks pending across all nodes in the cluster.
misc_tasks_pending bigint Total number of misc tasks pending across all nodes in the cluster.
node_count int Total number of live nodes in the cluster.
read_repair_tasks_pending bigint Total number of read repair tasks pending across all nodes in the cluster.
read_requests_pending bigint Total read requests pending across all nodes in the cluster.
replicate_on_write_tasks_pending bigint Total number of counter replicate on write tasks pending across all nodes in the cluster.
request_responses_pending bigint Total number of request response tasks pending across all nodes in the cluster
row_cache_capacity bigint Total capacity in bytes of partition caches across all nodes in the cluster.
row_cache_entries bigint Total number of row cache entries all nodes in the cluster.
row_cache_size bigint Total consumed size in bytes of row caches across all nodes in the cluster
storage_capacity bigint Total disk space in bytes across all nodes in the cluster.
streams_pending int Number of pending streams across all nodes in the cluster.
table_count int Total number of tables defined in schema.
table_data_size bigint Total size in bytes of non-index column families across all nodes in the cluster.
total_batches_replayed bigint Total number of batchlog entries replayed since startup by all nodes in the cluster.
total_range_slices bigint Total number of read operations performed since startup by all nodes in the cluster.
total_reads bigint Total number of write operations performed since startup by all nodes in the cluster.
total_writes bigint Total number of write tasks pending across all nodes in the cluster.
write_requests_pending bigint Total number of write tasks pending across all nodes in the cluster.

Histogram tables

A histogram measures the distribution of values in a stream of data. These histogram tables use the Metrics Core library. You must enable the collection of table histogram data using the DataStax Enterprise Performance Service.
Note: These tables show similar information to the data obtained by the nodetool tablehistograms utility. The major difference is that the nodetool histograms output is recent data, while the diagnostic tables contain lifetime data. The data in the diagnostic histogram tables is cumulative since the DSE server was started. In contrast, the nodetool tablehistograms shows the values for the past fifteen minutes.
Histogram tables provide DSE statistics that can be queried with CQL and are generated with these templates:
DSE provides histogram tables for this data:
Histogram Details table Summary table Keyspace details Keyspace summary Global details Global summary
cell_count Y Y N N N N
partition_size Y Y N N N N
range_latency Y Y Y N Y N
read_latency Y Y Y N Y N
sstables_per_read Y Y Y N N N
write_latency Y Y Y N N N
Table 16. Summary histogram tables

Summary histogram tables the percentages with output similar to the nodetool nodetool tablehistograms command output.

Column Name Data type Description
node_ip inet Node address
keyspace_name text Keyspace name
table_name text Table name
histogram_id timestamp Groups rows by the specific histogram they belong to. Rows for the same node, keyspace & table are ordered by this field, to enable date-based filtering.
p50 bigint The threshold where 50 percent of the operation is recorded 50% from the end, for the 50th percentile.
p75 bigint The threshold where 75 percent of the operation is recorded 25% from the end, for the 75th percentile.
p90 bigint The threshold where 90 percent of the operation is recorded 10% from the end, for the 90th percentile.
p95 bigint The threshold where 95 percent of the operation is recorded 5% from the end, for the 95th percentile.
p98 bigint The threshold where 98 percent of the operation is recorded 2% from the end, for the 98th percentile.
p99 bigint The threshold where 99 percent of the operation is recorded 1% from the end, for the 99th percentile.
min bigint The minimum number of operations.
max bigint The maximum number of operations.
dropped_messages bigint The total number of dropped messages for mutations to this table.
Table 17. Detailed histogram for keyspaces

Detailed data for a single keyspace.

Column Name Data type Description
node_ip inet Node address
keyspace_name text Keyspace name
table_name text Table name
histogram_id timestamp Groups rows by the specific histogram they belong to. Rows for the same node, keyspace & table are ordered by this field, to enable date-based filtering.
bucket_offset bigint The number between the current bucket and the previous bucket.
bucket_count bigint The sum of values being measured that is less than or equal to this offset and greater than or equal to the previous offset.
Table 18. Detailed table histogram

Detailed data for a single table.

Column Name Data type Description
node_ip inet Node address
keyspace_name text Keyspace name
table_name text Table name
histogram_id timestamp Groups rows by the specific histogram they belong to. Rows for the same node, keyspace & table are ordered by this field, to enable date-based filtering.
bucket_offset bigint The number between the current bucket and the previous bucket.
bucket_count bigint The sum of values being measured that is less than or equal to this offset and greater than or equal to the previous offset.
Table 19. Global histogram tables

Detailed data for all tables and all keyspaces, cumulative since the last time the node was started.

Column Name Data type Description
node_ip inet Node address.
keyspace_name text Keyspace name.
table_name text Table name.
histogram_id timestamp Groups rows by the specific histogram they belong to. Rows for the same node, keyspace, and table are ordered by this field, to enable date-based filtering.
bucket_offset bigint Number of cells in a partition.
bucket_count bigint Number of partitions where the cell count falls in the corresponding bucket.
Table 20. cell_count_histograms table

Cell count per partition histogram data.

Column Name Data type Description
node_ip inet Node address.
histogram_id timestamp Groups rows by the specific histogram they belong to. Rows for the same node, keyspace & table are ordered by this field, to enable date-based filtering.
bucket_offset bigint The number between the current bucket and the previous bucket.
bucket_count bigint The sum of values being measured that is less than or equal to this offset and greater than or equal to the previous offset.
Table 21. dropped_messages table

Dropped messages histogram data in seconds.

Column Name Data type Description
node_ip inet Node address.
histogram_id timestamp The timestamp when the histogram record was written.
global_count bigint Global metrics are the sum of the internal and the cross-node metrics for dropped events since the server was started, including dropped mutations.
global_mean_rate double Global metrics for dropped messages, including dropped mutations.
global_1min_rate double Estimated rate of the combined internal and the cross-node metrics for dropped messages for 1 minute.
global_5min_rate double Estimated sum of the internal and the cross-node metrics for dropped messages
global_15min_rate double Global metrics for dropped messages for 15 minutes.
table_name text Table name.
internal_count bigint Inside one DSE node, the number of internal messages that were dropped since the server was started.
internal_mean_rate double Inside one DSE node, the average rate of dropped message events per second.
internal_1min_rate double Inside one DSE node, the average number of messages that were dropped in a one-minute interval.
internal_5min_rate double Inside one DSE node, the average number of messages that were dropped in a five-minute interval.
internal_15min_rate double Inside one DSE node, the average number of messages that were dropped in a 15-minute interval.
internal_latency_median double Inside one DSE node, the median of all recorded durations for one second.
internal_latency_p75 double Inside one DSE node, the threshold where 75 percent of the latency is recorded 25% from the end, for the 75th percentile.
internal_latency_p90 double Inside one DSE node, the threshold where 90 percent of the latency is recorded 10% from the end, for the 90th percentile.
internal_latency_p95 double Inside one DSE node, the threshold where 95 percent of the latency is recorded 5% from the end, for the 95th percentile.
internal_latency_p98 double Inside one DSE node, the threshold where 98 percent of the latency is recorded 2% from the end, for the 98th percentile.
internal_latency_p99 double Inside one DSE node, the threshold where 99 percent of the latency is recorded 1% from the end, for the 99th percentile.
internal_latency_min double Inside one DSE node, the minimum number of dropped mutations.
internal_latency_mean double Inside one DSE node, the average number of messages dropped.
internal_latency_max double Inside one DSE node, the maximum number of dropped mutations.
internal_latency_stdev double Inside one DSE node, the standard deviation of dropped mutations.
xnode_count bigint For cross node messages, the number of messages that were dropped since the server was started.
xnode_mean_rate double For cross node messages, the average number of messages dropped.
xnode_1min_rate double For cross node messages, the average number of messages that were dropped in a one-minute interval.
xnode_5min_rate double For cross node messages, the average number of messages that were dropped in a five-minute interval.
xnode_15min_rate double For cross node messages, the average number of messages that were dropped in a 15-minute interval.
xnode_median double For cross node messages, the median of all recorded durations for one second.
xnode_p75 double For cross node messages, the threshold where 75 percent of the latency is recorded 25% from the end, for the 75th percentile.
xnode_p90 double For cross node messages, the threshold where 90 percent of the latency is recorded 10% from the end, for the 90th percentile.
xnode_p95 double For cross node messages, the threshold where 95 percent of the latency is recorded 5% from the end, for the 95th percentile.
xnode_p98 double For cross node messages, the threshold where 98 percent of the latency is recorded 2% from the end, for the 98th percentile.
xnode_p99 double For cross node messages, the maximum number dropped messages are recorded 1% from the end, for the 99th percentile.
xnode_min double For cross node messages, the minimum number of dropped messages per second.
xnode_mean double For cross node messages, the average number of dropped messages per second.
xnode_max double For cross node messages, the maximum number of dropped messages per second.
xnode_stdev double For cross node messages, the standard deviation for dropped messages per second.
bucket_offset bigint The number between the current bucket and the previous bucket.
bucket_count bigint The sum of values being measured that is less than or equal to this offset and greater than or equal to the previous offset.

User and resource latency tracking tables

Table 22. user_io table

Per node, long-lived read/write metrics by client connection and aggregated for all keyspaces and tables.

Column Name Data type Description
node_ip inet Node address.
conn_id text Unique client connection ID.
last_activity timestamp End of sampling period in which this client was last active.
read_latency double In microseconds for the last active sampling period.
total_reads bigint Count during the last active sampling period for this client.
total_writes bigint Count during the last active sampling period for this client.
user_ip inet Client origin address.
username text Present if authentication is enabled.
write_latency double In microseconds for the last active sampling period.
Table 23. user_read_io_snapshot table

Per node recent read/write metrics by keyspace, table, and client during the most recent sampling period.

Column Name Data type Description
node_ip inet Node address.
latency_index int Ranking by mean read latency during the last sampling period.
conn_id text Unique client connection ID.
read_latency double Mean value in microseconds during the last sampling period.
total_reads bigint During the last sampling period.
total_writes bigint During the last sampling period.
user_ip inet Client origin address.
username text Present if authentication is enabled.
write_latency double Mean value in microseconds during the last sampling period.
Table 24. user_write_io_snapshot table

Per node recent read/write metrics by keyspace, table, and client during the most recent sampling period.

Column Name Data type Description
node_ip inet Node address.
latency_index int Ranking by mean write latency during the last sampling period.
conn_id text Unique client connection ID.
read_latency double Mean value in microseconds during the last sampling period.
total_reads bigint During the last sampling period.
total_writes bigint During the last sampling period.
user_ip inet Client origin address.
username text Present if authentication is enabled.
write_latency double Mean value in microseconds during the last sampling period.
Table 25. user_object_io table

Per node, long-lived read/write metrics by client connection, keyspace and table.

Column Name Data type Description
node_ip inet Node address.
conn_id text Unique client connection ID.
keyspace_name text Keyspace name.
table_name text Table name.
last_activity timestamp End of sampling period in which this client was last active against this object.
read_latency double Mean value in microseconds during the last active sampling period for this object/client.
total_reads bigint During the last active sampling period for this object/client.
total_writes bigint During the last active sampling period for this object/client.
user_ip inet Client origin address.
username text Present if authentication is enabled.
write_latency double Mean value in microseconds during the last active sampling period for this object/client.
Table 26. user_object_write_io_snapshot table

Per node recent read/write metrics by client, keyspace, and table during the most recent sampling period.

Column Name Data type Description
node_ip inet Node address.
latency_index int Ranking by mean write latency during the last sampling period.
conn_id text Unique client connection ID.
keyspace_name text Keyspace name.
read_latency double Mean value in microseconds during the last sampling period.
table_name text Table name.
total_reads bigint During the last sampling period.
total_writes bigint During the last sampling period.
user_ip inet Client origin address.
username text Present if authentication is enabled.
write_latency double Mean value in microseconds during the last sampling period.
Table 27. object_user_io table

Overview of the I/O activity by user for each table.

Column Name Data type Description
node_ip inet Node address.
keyspace_name text Keyspace name.
table_name text Table name.
conn_id text Unique client connection ID.
last_activity timestamp End of sampling period in which this client connection was last active against this object.
read_latency double Mean value in microseconds during the last active sampling period for this object/client.
total_reads bigint Count during the last active sampling period for this object/client.
total_writes bigint Count during the last active sampling period for this object/client.
user_ip inet Client origin address.
username text Present if authentication is enabled.
write_latency double Mean value in microseconds during the last active sampling period for this object/client.
Table 28. object_user_read_io_snapshot table

Per node recent read/write metrics by client, keyspace, and table during the most recent sampling period. Tracks best-worst latency on a scale of 0 (worst) to 99 (best).

Column Name Data type Description
node_ip inet Node address.
latency_index int Ranking by mean read latency during the last sampling period.
conn_id text Unique client connection ID.
keyspace_name text Keyspace name.
read_latency double Mean value in microseconds during the last active sampling period for this object/client.
table_name text Table name.
total_reads bigint Count during the last active sampling period for this object/client.
total_writes bigint Count during the last active sampling period for this object/client.
user_ip inet Client origin address.
username text Present if authentication is enabled.
write_latency double Mean value in microseconds during the last active sampling period for this object/client.
Table 29. object_user_write_io_snapshot table

Per node recent read/write metrics by client, keyspace, and table during the most recent sampling period. Tracks best-worst latency on a scale of 0 to 99 (0 is worst).

Column Name Data type Description
node_ip inet Node address.
latency_index int Ranking by mean write latency during the last sampling period.
conn_id text Unique client connection ID.
keyspace_name text Keyspace name.
read_latency double Mean value in microseconds during the last active sampling period for this object/client.
table_name text Table name.
total_reads bigint Count during the last active sampling period for this object/client.
total_writes bigint Count during the last active sampling period for this object/client.
user_ip inet Client origin address.
username text Present if authentication is enabled.
write_latency double Mean value in microseconds during the last active sampling period for this object/client.

Leases table

Acquire, disable, renew, and resolve are the four lease operations. Histogram statistics indicate the rough distribution of timing: the average amount of time, the time for the worst request out of 100, the absolute worst request, and the rate at which operations are happening.
Table 30. leases table

Lease metrics for the lease subsystem.

Column Name Data type Description
acquire_average_latency_ms bigint Average latency, in milliseconds, to acquire lease.
acquire_latency99ms bigint Latency recorded 1% from the end, for the 99th percentile.
acquire_rate15 double For the datacenter.
disable_average_latency_ms bigint The average amount of time.
disable_latency99ms bigint The time for the worst request out of 100.
disable_max_latency_ms bigint The absolute worst request.
disable_rate15 double The rate at which operations are happening.
monitor inet The machine partially responsible with the lease, there are Replication_Factor # of monitors.
name text The lease name.
renew_average_latency_ms bigint The average amount of time.
renew_latency99ms bigint The time for the worst request out of 100.
renew_max_latency_ms bigint The absolute worst request.
renew_rate15 double The rate at which operations are happening.
resolve_average_latency_ms bigint The average amount of time.
resolve_latency99ms bigint The time for the worst request out of 100.
resolve_max_latency_ms bigint The absolute worst request.
resolve_rate15 The rate at which operations are happening.
up boolean Whether the lease is held, implies that the service is up.
up_or_down_since timestamp Time of the last change. For example, UP since 10PM or DOWN since 4PM.