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Information about developing applications for DataStax Enterprise.
Release notes for DataStax Enterprise.
DataStax Enterprise 6.7 can be installed in a number of ways, depending on the purpose of the installation, the type of operating system, and the available permissions.
Information about configuring DataStax Enterprise, such as recommended production setting, configuration files, snitch configuration, start-up parameters, heap dump settings, using virtual nodes, and more.
Information on using DSE Analytics, DSE Search, DSE Graph, DSEFS (DataStax Enterprise file system), and DSE Advanced Replication.
DataStax Enterprise 6.7 Analytics includes integration with Apache Spark.
DSE Search allows you to quickly find data and provide a modern search experience for your users, helping you create features like product catalogs, document repositories, ad-hoc reporting engines, and more.
Documentation for developers and administrators on installing, configuring, and using the features and capabilities of DSE Graph.
DSE Graph QuickStart using DataStax Studio or Gremlin console.
OLTP and OLAP are different processing methods that DSE Graph uses to search graph databases.
Examine common mistakes made with DSE Graph.
Introduce graph data modeling.
Creating and dropping graphs.
Creating, modifying, and dropping graph database schema.
Inserting, updating, examining, and dropping graph data.
Discover simple information about graphs and traversals.
Create queries using graph traversals.
Perform analytics jobs on graph data using DSE.
Introduce tools available for DSE Graph.
Starting the Gremlin console for an interactive environment.
Reference commands and other information for DSE Graph.
Reference guide to graph commands.
Reference guide to schema commands.
Reference guide to system commands.
Reference commands and other information for Apache TinkerPop's Gremlin as used by DSE Graph.
Describe the Apache TinkerPop framework.
TinkerPop general steps, step-modulators, and predicates
Predicates are used to determine relationships between data within traversals.
Given some object, return true or false, for equality.
Given some object, return true or false, for non-equality.
Given some object, return true or false, for values that are less than the specified integer.
Given some object, return true or false, for values that are less than or equal to the specified integer.
Given some object, return true or false, for values that are greater than the specified integer.
Given some object, return true or false, for values that are greater than or equal to the specified integer.
Given some object, return true or false, for values that are between the specified integers.
Given some object, return true or false, for values that are outside the specified integers.
Given a list of objects, return the ones that listed.
Given a list of objects, return the ones that do are not listed.
Helpers for Gremlin steps in traversals.
Fundamental steps of Gremlin language
Specify a vertex from a traversal.
Specify an edge from a traversal.
How to specify a property from a traversal.
Fetch a vertex in the middle of a graph traversal.
Aggregate all objects into a collection at a particular point in a graph traversal.
Filter traversals using the AND boolean.
Causes all steps prior to the barrier step to be executed before moving onto additional steps.
Split a traversal based on values.
Route a traverser to a particular traversal branch option.
Return a value based on the first traversal that has an element.
Get a random coin toss value with stated odds.
Set a constant value.
Get a count of the traverser that precedes the count step.
Filter out repeated steps in a traversal
Deduplicate returned objects from a query.
Drop a traversal object.
Explain the traversal strategies used in a traversal.
Put all results in the provided collection, then return the collection.
Filter the traversal to eliminate some of the returned objects based on a criteria.
Create a map of traversal objects and stream to the next traversal step.
Aggregate all the returned objects into a list, then emit the list.
Organize returned objects by a function of the objects.
Determines the number of objects specified.
Filter based on a particular vertex or edge label, property key, or property value.
Filter based on a particular id.
Filter based on a particular property key.
Filter based on a particular vertex or edge label.
Determine if results are available from a traversal.
Filter based on a particular label or value not present.
Filter based on a particular property value.
Fetch the id of a graph object.
Inject an object arbitrarily into a traversal stream.
Filter for scalar values.
Extracts property keys for specified object.
Extracts the specified labels.
Limit the objects returned.
Limit the operation of the traversal to a single element within the traversal.
Get the number of times a query has gone through a particular loop.
Map a portion of the query.
Provides a more declarative form of graph querying based on pattern matching.
Enables scientific calculator functionality.
Get the largest number in a traversal.
Get the mean average in a traversal.
Get the smallest number in a traversal.
Find the next results.
Exclude a specified object from the traversal.
Returns an optional result if the specified traversal yields a result; otherwise, returns the calling element.
Yield at least one result from choices.
Sorts objects given a certain criteria.
Calculates pageRank.
Examine the history of a traversal's path.
Executes a Peer Pressure community detection algorithm over the graph.
Profile a traversal to determine statistical information.
Retrieve properties of a specified element.
Yields a map representation of the properties of an element.
Filter only a specified number of objects into the next step.
Loop until a condition is met.
Read and write sacks.
Sample previous steps in the traversal.
Select labeled steps.
Perform some operation on the traverser and pass the result to the next step.
Use to prevent a traverser from repeating a path through the graph.
Skip a specified number of return objects.
Store information for later use in the traversal.
Get a subgraph of the full graph.
Sum the previously returned objects.
Get the last specified number of returned objects.
Limit the traversal to a specified number of milliseconds of execution time.
Return all restuls in a weighted set.
Return all results in a list.
Return all results in a set with duplicated removed.
Create a tree of the traversal.
Unfold a returned object into a linear form.
Merge the results of several traversals.
Get the value of a property given a specified property.
Extract the value of properties for an element.
Filters based on a predicate, a sideEffect or a traversal.
Describes the DSE Graph data types.
Describes graph storage in the DSE database at a high level.
Continuous background repair that virtually eliminates manual efforts to run repair operations in a DataStax cluster.
Documentation for configuring and using configurable distributed data replication.
The DataStax drivers are the primary resource for application developers creating solutions using DataStax Enterprise (DSE).
Tools include nodetool, dse, and dsefs shell commands, dsetool, fs-stress tool, pre-flight check, and yaml_diff tools, and the sstableloader.
DataStax Enterprise operation topics, such as node and datacenter operations, changing replication strategies, configuring compaction and compression, caching, and tuning Bloom filters.
CQL (Cassandra Query Language) is a query language for the DataStax Enterprise database.