Granting permission when role-based access control is enabled

Instructions for creating roles with required permissions when authentication is enabled for OpsCenter.

When Cassandra role-based access control (RBAC) is enabled, a default account is created with username cassandra and password cassandra. Create additional roles with permissions for the OpsCenter cluster and the monitored DataStax Enterprise (DSE) cluster. The Cassandra role used for the agent should have ALL permissions for the OpsCenter keyspace and DESCRIBE and SELECT for the monitored DSE cluster.


  • Create opscenter role with SELECT permissions for the monitored DSE cluster:
    CREATE ROLE opscenter WITH PASSWORD = 'opscenter' AND SUPERUSER = false AND LOGIN = true;
    GRANT SELECT ON TABLE system.local TO opscenter;
    GRANT SELECT ON TABLE system.peers TO opscenter;
  • Create agent role with SELECT permissions for the monitored DSE cluster:
    GRANT SELECT ON TABLE system.local TO agent;
    GRANT SELECT ON TABLE system.peers TO agent;
    GRANT SELECT ON TABLE dse_perf.node_slow_log TO agent;
  • Create opscenter role with ALL permissions.
    • For an OpsCenter keyspace in the monitored DSE cluster:
      CREATE ROLE opscenter WITH PASSWORD = 'opscenter' AND SUPERUSER = false AND LOGIN = true;
      GRANT ALL ON KEYSPACE opscenter_keyspace TO opscenter;
    • For a separate OpsCenter storage cluster:
      CREATE ROLE agent WITH PASSWORD = agent AND SUPERUSER = false AND LOGIN = true;
      GRANT ALL ON KEYSPACE opscenter_keyspace TO agent;
  • Optional: To allow OpsCenter to restore DSE Graphs, grant the opscenter role with MODIFY, SELECT, and ALTER permissions for dse_system.shared_data:
    GRANT MODIFY, SELECT, ALTER ON TABLE dse_system.shared_data TO opscenter;
  • Optional: For DSE Search clusters, grant the agent role with SELECT and MODIFY permissions for solr_admin.solr_resources:
    GRANT SELECT, MODIFY ON TABLE solr_admin.solr_resources TO agent;