Backing up to Amazon S3
Learn about backing up data to an Amazon S3 or S3-compatible backup location.
The location of the cluster_name.conf file depends on the type of installation:- Package installations: /etc/opscenter/clusters/cluster_name.conf
- Tarball installations: install_location/conf/clusters/cluster_name.conf
When adding an Amazon S3 bucket location as an additional location for storing backup snapshots, the DataStax Agent sends the snapshot files to the S3 bucket automatically. All SSTables for a particular node and table are only stored once in Amazon S3 to optimize storage space.
The backup.json file contains metadata about which of the backed up SSTables are included in that backup.
If OpsCenter encounters an error when backing up to S3, it retries the backup a configurable number of times (3 by default) unless it encounters an unrecoverable error such as invalid AWS credentials.
Amazon S3 bucket requirements
An S3 bucket destination must be unique and self-contained. Any defined destination cannot be contained within another backup destination.
For example, if you configure a backup location to mybucket1
, do not
designate another backup location to mybucket1/myfolder1. If you configure
a mybucket1/myfolder1 location, do not set up another location as
mybucket1/myfolder1/mysubfolder1. Folders are supported; however, bucket
paths cannot share any portion of a backup destination.
As a recommended best practice, limit an S3 bucket to a single keyspace for OpsCenter backups. Because every backup job gathers a list of all existing data files before the transfer to S3 can start, that process can take more time as the number of files grow in the bucket.
Amazon S3 backup hierarchy
The backup files are stored in S3 in the following hierarchy.
mybucket/ snapshots/ node-id1/ sstables/ MyKeyspace-MyTable-ic-5-Data.db ... MyKeyspace-MyTable-ic-5-TOC.txt MyKeyspace-MyTable-ic-6-Data.db ... 1234-ABCD-2014-10-01-01-00/ backup.json MyKeyspace/schema.json 1234-ABCD-2014-09-30-01-00/ backup.json MyKeyspace/schema.json node-id2/ sstables/ MyKeyspace-MyTable-ic-1-Data.db ... MyKeyspace-MyTable-ic-2-Data.db ... 1234-ABCD-2014-10-01-01-00/ backup.json MyKeyspace/schema.json 1234-ABCD-2014-09-30-01-00/ backup.json MyKeyspace/schema.json commitlogs/ node1/ 1435432324_Commitlog-3-1432320421.log 1435433232_Commitlog-3-1432320422.log ...