Viewing NodeSync Status

View the progress and status of NodeSync operations in OpsCenter Monitoring.

View the progress and status of NodeSync operations for keyspace and tables in OpsCenter Monitoring. The NodeSync Status provides summary and detailed health status.
Tip: The Cluster > Nodes panels also show the cluster summary progress bar. The NodeSync panel status only displays for clusters that are DSE version 6.0 and later.

View the NodeSync cluster progress status bar from the Nodes subpanels



  1. Click cluster name > Services.
  2. Click the Details link for the NodeSync Service.
    The Status tab displays the current progress of NodeSync operations. The date and time the data was last updated is displayed. The refresh data interval controls the refresh frequency.

    NodeSync Status for keyspaces or tables

    Each cluster, keyspace, and table has a color-coded legend that conveys its NodeSync status (listed from best to worst) when hovering over a particular progress bar:
    • Green: Percentage% of the data was synced within the first 50% of the time period for the NodeSync deadline.
    • Yellow: Percentage% of the data was synced within the first 90% of the time period for the NodeSync deadline.
    • Orange: Percentage% of the data was synced within the last 10% of the time period for the NodeSync deadline.
    • Red: Percentage% of the data was not synced before the NodeSync deadline. An increase in configured throughput is recommended. See Configuring the NodeSync rate using LCM.
    Note: The NodeSync deadline is a table parameter that specifies the maximum number of seconds to validate all segments of the table. Set the deadline value with the deadline_target_sec parameter in an ALTER TABLE statement. For example:
    ALTER TABLE table_name WITH nodesync={ ‘enabled’: ‘true’, ‘deadline_target_sec’ : <some value>}
    If the deadline is not explicitly set for a table, the deadline defaults to whichever is greater: gc_grace_seconds (864000 seconds, which is 10 days), or the minimum deadline target (4 days). For details, see nodesync and gc_grace_seconds table properties.

    The following message displays if NodeSync is enabled, but no data is available yet for this cluster.

    No NodeSync data for cluster in Status view

    Be sure to enable keyspace and tables in the Settings tab.

  3. Click the Keyspaces or Tables link to view the Detailed Health Status.
    Tip: Click on a progress bar section to view a tooltip with more details about progress status.

    Percentage details for NodeSync operation

  4. Click a table within Detailed Health Status | Tables to view NodeSync Repair Details for that table:

    NodeSync Repair Details for a table