Usage data

DataStax would like your help improving the quality and performance of DevCenter.

DataStax DevCenter is compatible with DataStax Enterprise (DSE) versions up to 5.0.

DataStax would like your help improving the quality and performance of DevCenter. Starting with version 1.4, DevCenter can automatically collect usage information and send it anonymously and securely to DataStax. The data is sent only with your explicit consent.

Anonymous, confidential, and secure reporting 

All usage data is collected and sent to DataStax anonymously. None of the information submitted identifies you personally.

Usage data is kept confidential and is never sold to third parties.

Usage data is submitted securely using the HTTPS protocol.

Configuring reporting options 

The first time you start DevCenter (after installation or update), you are presented with a first-time Automatic Update & Usage Statistics dialog that allows you to opt out of version update and anonymous usage data being collected and sent. Your settings are preserved when upgrading to a new version of DevCenter.

Preferences dialog 

The usage data is only sent with your consent and can be turned on and off at any time via the Preferences dialog. Select DevCenter > Preferences > or ⌘-, (on Mac OS X or File > Preferences on Windows or Linux).

The two checkboxes on the Update pane allow you to turn on and off:
  • version check at startup
  • sending anonymous usage data to DataStax

Collected usage data 

The following table provides a description of all the information DevCenter is collecting:

Data collected Description
Cassandra version The version of Cassandra running on the cluster that DevCenter is connected to.
DevCenter version The version of the currently running DevCenter.
Java version The version of Java running DevCenter.
OS version The version of the operating system running DevCenter.
DataStax Enterprise version The version of DataStax Enterprise running on the cluster that DevCenter is connected to.
DataStax Enterprise workload Whether the DataStax Enterprise cluster to which DevCenter is connected has transactional, search, and analytics nodes.
New Table wizard started Number of times the New Table wizard has been accessed.
New Table wizard finished Number of times the New Table wizard has been dismissed.
New Keyspace wizard started Number of times the New Keyspace wizard has been accessed.
New Keyspace wizard finished Number of times the New Keyspace wizard has been dismissed.
Edit Table wizard started Number of times the Edit Table wizard has been accessed.
Edit Table wizard finished Number of times the Edit Table wizard has been dismissed.
Edit Keyspace wizard started Number of times the Edit Keyspace wizard has been accessed.
Edit Keyspace wizard finished Number of times the Edit Keyspace wizard has been dismissed.
Clone Table wizard started Number of times the Clone Table wizard has been accessed.
Clone Table wizard finished Number of times the Clone Table wizard has been dismissed.
Clone Keyspace wizard started Number of times the Clone Keyspace wizard has been accessed.
Clone Keyspace wizard finished Number of times the Clone Keyspace wizard has been dismissed.
Query Trace Tab selected Number of times the Query Trace tab has been accessed.
Copy cell Number of times a cell has been copied in the results tab as CSV data.
Copy row as CSV Number of times a row has been copied in the results tab as CSV data.
Copy all as CSV Number of times all the data has been copied in the results tab as CSV data.
Copy row as INSERTs Number of times a row has been copied in the results tab as an INSERT statement.
Copy all as INSERTs Number of times all the data has been copied in the results tab as INSERT statements.
Open file menu count The number of times a CQL script file has been opened.
New file menu count The number of times a new CQL script file has been created.
Delete file menu count The number of times a CQL Script file has been deleted.
Execute count The number of times CQL statements have been executed.
Formatting count The number of times code formatting has been invoked in the CQL Script editor.
Validation error count The number of times a validation error has been hovered over in the CQL Script editor to see the details.
Quick fix invocation count The number of times a particular quick fix proposal has been accepted. As with errors there is a counter for each of these. For example if there is an error column_name_does_not_exists, the column_name_does_not_exist_quick_fix counter is incremented if the proposed quick fix for that error has been accepted
Time used in seconds The number of seconds that DevCenter has been running.
Maximum connection count The maximum number of simultaneously open connections since DevCenter was started.
Maximum CQL script count The maximum number of simultaneously open CQL scripts since DevCenter was started.
Maximum table count The maximum number of tables in any one schema associated with an open connection since DevCenter was started.
Maximum UDT count The maximum number of user-defined types in any one schema associated with an open connection since DevCenter was started.
Maximum script line count The maximum number of statements across all CQL Script files open since DevCenter was started
Maximum open editor count Maximum number of open files observed since DevCenter was started.