nodetool listsnapshots

Lists snapshot names, size on disk, and true size.

Lists snapshot names, size on disk, and true size.


nodetool <options> listsnapshots
Cassandra tarball installations:
Table 1. Options
Short Long Description
-h --host Hostname or IP address.
-p --port Port number.
-pwf --password-file Password file path.
-pw --password Password.
-u --username Remote JMX agent username.
-- Separates an option from an argument that could be mistaken for a option.


Snapshot Details: 
Snapshot Name  Keyspace   Column Family  True Size   Size on Disk 

1387304478196  Keyspace1  Standard1      0 bytes     308.66 MB
1387304417755  Keyspace1  Standard1      0 bytes     107.21 MB
1387305820866  Keyspace1  Standard2      0 bytes      41.69 MB                   
               Keyspace1  Standard1      0 bytes     308.66 MB