nodetool setstreamthroughput

Sets the throughput capacity in Mb for outbound streaming in the system, or disables throttling.

Sets the throughput capacity in Mb (megabits) for streaming in the system, or disables throttling.


nodetool <options> setstreamthroughput -- <value_in_mb>
Cassandra tarball installations:
Table 1. Options
Short Long Description
-h --host Hostname or IP address.
-p --port Port number.
-pwf --password-file Password file path.
-pw --password Password.
-u --username Remote JMX agent username.
value_in_mb Throughput capacity in megabits per second for streaming. To disable, set to 0.
-- Separates an option from an argument that could be mistaken for a option.


Set value_in_mb to 0 to disable throttling.