Expiring data with TTL example

Using the INSERT and UPDATE commands for setting the expire time for data in a column.

Both the INSERT and UPDATE commands support setting a time for data in a column to expire. Use CQL to set the expiration time (TTL).


  • Use the INSERT command to set calendar listing in the calendar table to expire in 86400 seconds, or one day.
    cqlsh> INSERT INTO cycling.calendar (race_id, race_name, race_start_date, race_end_date) VALUES (200, 'placeholder', '2015-05-27', '2015-05-27') USING TTL 86400;
  • Extend the expiration period to three days by using the UPDATE command and change the race name.
    cqlsh> UPDATE cycling.calendar USING TTL 259200 
      SET race_name = 'Tour de France - Stage 12' 
      WHERE race_id = 200 AND race_start_date = '2015-05-27' AND race_end_date = '2015-05-27';
  • Delete a column's existing TTL by setting its value to zero.
    cqlsh> UPDATE cycling.calendar USING TTL 0 
      SET race_name = 'Tour de France - Stage 12' 
      WHERE race_id = 200 AND race_start_date = '2015-05-27' AND race_end_date = '2015-05-27';

    You can set a default TTL for an entire table by setting the table's default_time_to_live property. If you try to set a TTL for a specific column that is longer than the time defined by the table TTL, Cassandra returns an error.