Exporting data from CQL collections

The cql-export tool supports the export of data from list, set, and map collection types.

The cql-export tool supports the export of data from list, set, and map collection types.

Exporting a set or list 

You can export a CQL list and set to multiple SQL rows. You map each element in the list to an SQL row, and then use the cql-export command to export the data. In the SQL database, multiple rows store the collection.

The cql-export tool supports exporting list and set data as multiple SQL rows using the following mapping:


The following example shows how to map a list of multiple SQL rows.

Suppose you have created and populated a CQL table using the following commands:

cqlsh> CREATE TABLE cql_table (cqlid int PRIMARY KEY, mylist list<text>);
cqlsh> INSERT INTO cql_table (cqlid, mylist) VALUES (1, ['value1','value2','value3']);

Using MySQL, you create the following table that corresponds to the CQL table:


The following map along with other options exports the data into MySQL:


Querying MySQL to select the table produces the following output:

| sqlid | id | value  |
| 1     | 1  | value1 |
| 2     | 1  | value2 |
| 3     | 1  | value3 |

Sqoop does not export sqlid from CQL. MySQL auto-generates the sqlid to give the table a unique id.

Exporting a map 

You can export a CQL map collection to a single SQL row. You map each map key to SQL column names. You can only map one collection per Sqoop statement.

You use the following cql-column-mapping parameter to export CQL map entries to SQL columns where the key maps to a SQL column name. Where the map key is the same as the SQL column name, you can omit the key from the mapping:


Like the importing mechanism, the mapping mechanism for exporting supports a mix of key name mapping.


The following example shows how to map a CQL map to an SQL table.

Create and populate a CQL table using the following commands:

cqlsh> CREATE TABLE cql_table (cqlid int PRIMARY KEY, mymap map<text,text>); 
cqlsh> INSERT INTO cql_table (cql, mymap) values (1, {'key1':'value1','col2':'value2','key3':'value3'});

Using MySQL, create the following table that corresponds to the CQL table:

mysql> CREATE TABLE sql_table(sqlid INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, col1 VARCHAR(20), col2 VARCHAR(20), col3 VARCHAR(20));

The following map along with other options exports the data to MySQL:


Querying MySQL to select the table produces the following output:

| sqlid | col1   | col2   | col3   |
| 1     | value1 | value2 | value3 |