Inserting/updating data using the Solr HTTP API

Steps for Inserting/updating a CQL-based core using the Solr HTTP API.

Updates to a CQL-based Solr core replace the entire row. You cannot replace only a field in a CQL table. The deprecated replacefields parameter for inserting into, modifying, or deleting data from CQL Solr cores is not supported. The replacefields parameter is supported for updating indexed data in a non-CQL table and in Solr. Use the parameter in this way:
curl http://host:port/solr/keyspace.table/update?
  replacefields=false  -H 'Content-type: application/json' -d
  'json string'

To update a CQL-based core, use the following procedure:


Building on the collections example, insert data into the mykeyspace.mytable data and Solr index.
Use this curl command:
$ curl http://localhost:8983/solr/mykeyspace.mysolr/update -H 'Content-type: application/json' -d '[{"id":"130", "quotes":"Life is a beach.", "name":"unknown", "title":"Life"}]'

The Solr convention is to use curl for issuing update commands instead of using a browser. You do not have to post a commit command in the update command as you do in OSS, and doing so is ineffective.

When you use CQL or CLI to update a field, DSE Search implicitly sets replacefields to false and updates individual fields in the Solr document. The re-indexing of data occurs automatically.

Warning about using the optimize command

Do not include the optimize command in URLs to update Solr data. This warning appears in the system log when you use the optimize:
WARN [http-8983-2] 2013-03-26 14:33:04,450 (line 697)
Calling commit with optimize is not recommended.

The Lucene merge policy is very efficient. Using the optimize command is no longer necessary and using the optimize command in a URL can cause nodes to fail.