Changing the Job Tracker client port

Steps to change the port where the Job Tracker listens for client messages.

By default, the Job Tracker listens on port 8012 for client messages. To use a port other than the default port 8012, configure the mapred.job.tracker property.


  1. Open the mapred-site.xml file for editing.
    The default location of the mapred-site.xml file depends on the type of installation:
    Installer-Services and Package installations /etc/dse/hadoop/mapred-site.xml
    Installer-No Services and Tarball installations install_location/resources/hadoop/conf/mapred-site.xml
  2. Locate the mapred.job.tracker property:
    <!-- Auto detect the DSE Job Tracker -->
        The address of the job tracker
  3. In the mapred.job.tracker property, change the placeholder ${dse.job.tracker} value to the port number that you want to use. For example, change the port number from the default to 8013:
    <!-- Auto detect the dse job tracker -->
              The address of the job tracker