Configuring firewall port access

If a firewall runs on the nodes in the Cassandra or DataStax Enterprise cluster, open up ports to allow communication between the nodes.

All network security starts with strict and proper firewall rules on interfaces that are exposed to the internet, allowing only the absolute minimum traffic in or out of your network. Firewall security is especially important when running your infrastructure in a public cloud. Wherever you run your clusters, DataStax strongly recommends to run a firewall on all nodes in your Cassandra or DataStax Enterprise cluster.

Begin with a restrictive configuration that blocks all traffic except SSH. Then, open up the following ports to allow communication between the nodes, including certain Cassandra ports. If these ports are not opened, the node acts as a standalone database server rather than joining the database cluster when you start Cassandra (or Hadoop in DataStax Enterprise) on a node.

All network security starts with strict and proper firewall rules on interfaces that are exposed to the internet, allowing only the absolute minimum traffic in or out of your network. Firewall security is especially important when running your infrastructure in a public cloud. Wherever you run your clusters, DataStax strongly recommends to run a firewall on all nodes in your Cassandra or DataStax Enterprise cluster.

Begin with a restrictive configuration that blocks all traffic except SSH. Then, open up the following ports to allow communication between the nodes, including certain Cassandra ports. If these ports are not opened, the node acts as a standalone database server rather than joining the database cluster when you start Cassandra (or Hadoop in DataStax Enterprise) on a node.


Open the following ports:
The location of the cassandra.yaml file depends on the type of installation:
Package installations /etc/dse/cassandra/cassandra.yaml
Tarball installations install_location/resources/cassandra/conf/cassandra.yaml
Port Description Configurable in

Public Facing Ports

22 SSH (default) See your OS documentation on sshd.

DataStax Enterprise public ports

4040 Spark application web site port.  
7080 Spark Master web site port.
7081 Spark Worker web site port.
8012 Hadoop Job Tracker client port. The Job Tracker listens on this port for job submissions and communications from Task Trackers; allows traffic from each analytics node in a cluster. cassandra.yaml

See Setting the Job Tracker node.

8983 Solr port and Demo applications web site port (Portfolio, Search, Search log, Weather Sensors)  
8090 Spark Jobserver REST API port. See Spark Jobserver.
9999 Spark Jobserver JMX port. Only required if Spark Jobserver is running and remote access to JMX is required.  
18080 Spark application history server web site port. Only required if Spark application history server is running. Can be changed with the spark.history.ui.port setting. See Spark history server.
50030 Hadoop Job Tracker web site port. The Job Tracker listens on this port for HTTP requests. If initiated from the OpsCenter, these requests are proxied through the opscenterd daemon; otherwise, they come directly from the browser. [1] mapred-site.xml using the mapred.job.tracker.http.address property.
50060 Hadoop Task Tracker web site port. Each Task Tracker listens on this port for HTTP requests coming directly from the browser and not proxied by the opscenterd daemon. [1] mapred-site.xml using the mapred.task.tracker.http.address property.

OpsCenter public ports

8888 OpsCenter web site port. The opscenterd daemon listens on this port for HTTP requests coming directly from the browser. [1] opscenterd.conf

Inter-node Ports

Cassandra inter-node ports

1024 - 65355 JMX reconnection/loopback ports. Please read the description for port 7199.  
7000 Cassandra inter-node cluster communication port. cassandra.yaml

See storage_port.

7001 Cassandra SSL inter-node cluster communication port. cassandra.yaml

See ssl_storage_port.

7199 Cassandra JMX monitoring port.

See JMX options in Tuning Java resources.

9160 Cassandra client port (Thrift) port. OpsCenter agents makes Thrift requests to their local node on this port. Additionally, the port can be used by the opscenterd daemon to make Thrift requests to each node in the cluster. cassandra.yaml

See rpc_port.

DataStax Enterprise inter-node ports

7077 Spark Master inter-node communication port. dse.yaml
8984 Solr inter-node communication port. dse.yaml

See Shard transport options for DSE Search communications.

9042 CQL native clients port. cassandra.yaml

See native_transport_port.

9290 Hadoop Job Tracker Thrift port. The Job Tracker listens on this port for Thrift requests coming from the opscenterd daemon.  
10000 Hive server port. Set with the -p option in the dse hive --service hiveserver -p port command or configure in hive-site.xml.
10000 Spark SQL Thrift server port. Only required if Spark SQL Thrift server is running. Set with the -p option with the Spark SQL Thrift server.

OpsCenter specific inter-node

50031 OpsCenter HTTP proxy for Job Tracker port. The opscenterd daemon listens on this port for incoming HTTP requests from the browser when viewing the Hadoop Job Tracker page directly. [1]  
61620 OpsCenter monitoring port. The opscenterd daemon listens on this port for TCP traffic coming from the agent. [1]  
61621 OpsCenter agent port. The agents listen on this port for SSL traffic initiated by OpsCenter. [1]  
There are two instances of the hive-site.xml file.

For use with Spark, the default location of the hive-site.xml file is:

Installer-Services and Package installations /etc/dse/spark/hive-site.xml
Installer-No Services and Tarball installations install_location/resources/spark/conf/hive-site.xml

For use with Hive, the default location of the hive-site.xml file is:

Installer-Services and Package installations /etc/dse/hive/hive-site.xml
Installer-No Services and Tarball installations install_location/resources/hive/conf/hive-site.xml

[1] See OpsCenter and DataStax agent ports.

The location of the dse.yaml file depends on the type of installation:
Installer-Services /etc/dse/dse.yaml
Package installations /etc/dse/dse.yaml
Installer-No Services install_location/resources/dse/conf/dse.yaml
Tarball installations install_location/resources/dse/conf/dse.yaml