Portfolio Manager demo using Spark

The Portfolio Manager demo runs an application that is based on a financial use case. You run scripts that create a portfolio of stocks.

The Portfolio Manager demo runs an application that is based on a financial use case. You run scripts that create a portfolio of stocks. On the Cassandra OLTP (online transaction processing) side, each portfolio contains a list of stocks, the number of shares purchased, and the purchase price. The demo's pricer utility simulates real-time stock data. Each portfolio gets updated based on its overall value and the percentage of gain or loss compared to the purchase price. The utility also generates 100 days of historical market data (the end-of-day price) for each stock. On the DSE OLAP (online analytical processing) side, a Spark Scala job calculates the greatest historical 10 day loss period for each portfolio, which is an indicator of the risk associated with a portfolio. This information is then fed back into the real-time application to allow customers to better gauge their potential losses.


To run the demo:

Note: DataStax Demos do not work with either LDAP or internal authorization (username/password) enabled.

  1. Install a single Demo node using the DataStax Installer in GUI or Text mode with the following settings:
    • Install Options page - Default Interface: (You must use this IP for the demo.)
    • Node Setup page - Node Type: Analytics
    • Analytic Node Setup page - Analytics Type: Spark + Integrated Hadoop
  2. Start DataStax Enterprise if you haven't already:
    • Installer-Services and Package installations:
      sudo service dse start
    • Installer-No Services and Tarball installations:
      install_location/bin/dse cassandra -k ## Starts node in Spark mode 

      The default install_location is /usr/share/dse.

  3. Go to the Portfolio Manager demo directory.
    The default location of the Portfolio Manager demo depends on the type of installation:
    Installer-Services and Package installations /usr/share/dse/demos/portfolio_manager
    Installer-No Services and Tarball installations install_location/demos/portfolio_manager
  4. Run the bin/pricer utility to generate stock data for the application:
    • To see all of the available options for this utility:
      bin/pricer --help
    • Start the pricer utility:
      bin/pricer -o INSERT_PRICES 
      $ bin/pricer -o UPDATE_PORTFOLIOS 
      $ bin/pricer -o INSERT_HISTORICAL_PRICES -n 100
    The pricer utility takes several minutes to run.
  5. Start the web service:
    $ cd website
    $ sudo ./start
  6. Open a browser and go to http://localhost:8983/portfolio.

    The real-time Portfolio Manager demo application is displayed.

  7. Open another terminal.
  8. Start Spark by running the 10-day-loss.sh script.
    • Installer-Services: $ cd /usr/share/dse/demos/spark; ./10-day-loss.sh
    • Package installations: $ cd /usr/share/dse-demos/spark; ./10-day-loss.sh
    • Installer-No Services and Tarball installations: $ install_location/demos/spark/10-day-loss.sh

    The Spark application takes several minutes to run.

  9. After the job completes, refresh the Portfolio Manager web page.

    The results of the Largest Historical 10 day Loss for each portfolio are displayed.