Restoring materialized views

When restoring backups on clusters running DSE 6.0.0-6.0.2, materialized views might return no results when queried.

When restoring backups on clusters running DataStax Enterprise (DSE) 6.0.0-6.0.2, materialized views might return no results when queried. To mitigate this issue, choose one of the following options and follow the instructions.

Running a second restore

One option of restoring materialized views is to run a second restore operation with SSTableloader and truncation enabled.

Running a second restore means running SSTableloader, which impacts performance and can cause slowdowns. If performance loss is an issue and you are restoring only a few materialized views, consider Recreating materialized views.

Note: The initial restore can be completed without using SSTableloader. However, SSTableloader must be selected when completing the second restore.

Recreating materialized views

Another option of restoring materialized views is to describe the materialized view, copy the output, drop the materialized view, and then recreate it. This option is less involved than running a second restore, but could be time consuming if restoring a significant number of materialized views.

Complete the following steps to recreate the materialized views:

  1. Complete a standard restore operation.
  2. For each materialized view, describe the data and copy the output.
  3. Drop each materialized view.
  4. Use the copied output to recreate each materialized view.