Syntax to Create a new DataStax Connector

Kafka Connect REST API syntax used to create a new distributed DataStax Apache Kafka Connector.

Kafka Connect REST API syntax used to create a new distributed DataStax Apache Kafka Connector.


The following command starts a DataStax Apache Kafka Connector using the Kafka Connect REST API:
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d @connector_properties_file \
  • connector_properties_file - Specify the absolute path to the DataStax Apache Kafka® Connector configuration file. Samples are provided in the connector download.
  • worker_ip - The hostname or IP address of the Kafka Connect worker.
  • port - The listening port for the Kafka Connect REST API. By default this service runs on port 8083.


Create or start a connector using a configuration file named dse-sink.json:
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d @dse-sink.json "http://localhost:8083/connectors"
If the instance is successfully created a message like the following displays:

  "name": "cassandra-sink-distributed-example",
  "config": {
    "connector.class": "com.datastax.kafkaconnector.DseSinkConnector",
    "tasks.max": "5",
    "topics": "json-stream",
    "topic.json-stream.consistencyLevel": "LOCAL_QUORUM",
    "contactPoints": "localhost",
    "loadBalancing.localDc": "Cassandra",
    "topic.json-stream.ks.tbl.mapping": "symbol=value.symbol, ts=value.ts,, industry=value.industry,, value=value.value",
    "name": "cassandra-sink-distributed-example"
  "tasks": [],
  "type": null