Setting the JAAS configuration file location

Set the location to the configuration file using the .dserc file or environment variables.

Set the location to the configuration file using the .dserc file or environment variables.

Using the DataStax RC file

To get Kerberos credentials without having to enter a password, define the following parameters in the .dserc file:
Set to the user principal_name. For example, dse_admin@EXAMPLE.COM.

Set the file_name to the absolute path of the JAAS configuration file. See Providing Kerberos credentials using a keytab file or Providing Kerberos credentials using a ticket cache

Kerberos token variable

Use environment variable DSE_TOKEN to specify a delegation token when Kerberos is used:
export DSE_TOKEN=delegation_token

DSE FS Kerberos variable

When using the command use the DSEFS_SHELL_OPTS environment variable to provide the path to the login file:

Set the file_name to the absolute path of the JAAS configuration file. See Providing Kerberos credentials using a keytab file or Providing Kerberos credentials using a ticket cache

Spark job variable

If you are using JAAS rather than using a Kerberos ticket, you need to create a JAAS configuration file. The default location for this file is $USER_HOME/.java.login.config. If your JAAS configuration file is in a different location, you must specify the location by setting the option to the location of the file.

For example, to set in an environment variable for submitting jobs, set the SPARK_SUBMIT_OPTS environment variable to point to your JAAS configuration file: