Loading data into a remote Kerberos enabled cluster
Configure sstableloader with Kerberos to load data from an sstable into a remote DataStax Enterprise cluster with Kerberos enabled.
sstableloader tool (also called bulk loader) loads data from an sstable into a target cluster. When loading data into a remote Kerberos enabled cluster, configure the following JVM options:
Note: When running sstableloader with the local DSE cluster, no additional configuration
is required.
- To set the keytab location through system properties, use this example as a
guide to setting the
JVM_OPTS="-Dkerberos.use.keytab=true \ -Dkerberos.keytab=/home/dse/cassandra.keytab \ -Dkerberos.client.principal=dse@LOCAL.DEV" \ resources/cassandra/bin/sstableloader -d /var/lib/cassandra/data/Keyspace1/Standard1
- To set Kerberos options using the JAAS config, use this example as a guide to
setting the
JVM_OPTS="-Dkerberos.use.config.file=true \ -Djava.security.auth.login.config=/home/dse/keytab-basic-jaas.conf" \ resources/cassandra/bin/sstableloader -d /var/lib/cassandra/data/Keyspace1/Standard1
- In the JAAS config, /home/dse/keytab-basic-jaas.conf, set
Client { com.sun.security.auth.module.Krb5LoginModule required useKeyTab=true keyTab="/home/dse/cassandra.keytab" principal="cassandra@LOCAL.DEV"; };