Installing DataStax Enterprise 4.5 using APT repositories

Install DataStax Enterprise 4.5 and OpsCenter using APT repositories on Debian-based systems.

For a complete list of supported platforms, see DataStax Enterprise Supported Platforms.
Important: DataStax Enterprise 4.5 uses Cassandra 2.0.


  • DataStax Academy registration email address and password.
  • Aptitude Package Management (APT) application.
  • Root or sudo access to the install machine.
  • Latest version of Oracle Java SE Runtime Environment 7, not OpenJDK. See Installing Oracle JDK.
  • If you are using Ubuntu 10.04 LTS, you must update to JNA 3.4, as described in Installing the JNA on Debian or Ubuntu systems.
  • Python 2.6+ (if installing OpsCenter).

Also see Recommended production settings and the DataStax Enterprise Reference Architecture white paper.

Note: JNA (Java Native Access) is automatically installed.

The packaged releases create a cassandra user. When starting DataStax Enterprise as a service, the Cassandra and Hadoop tracker services run as this user. The service initialization script is located in /etc/init.d/dse. Run levels are not set by the package.


These steps install DataStax Enterprise. After installing, you must configure and start DataStax Enterprise.

In a terminal window:
Note: In the following commands, be sure to change X to an actual version number. To view the available versions, see the Release notes. The latest version of DataStax Enterprise 4.5 is 4.5.9.

  1. Check which version of Java is installed:
    $ java -version

    If not Oracle Java 7, see Installing Oracle JDK.

    Important: Package management tools do not install Oracle Java.
  2. Add a DataStax repository file called /etc/apt/sources.list.d/datastax.sources.list:
    $ echo "deb stable main" | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list.d/datastax.sources.list
    where dsa_email_address and password are the credentials you created on the registration page.
    Attention: Depending on your environment, you might need to replace @ in your email address with %40 and escape any character in your password that is used in your operating system's command line. Examples: \! and \|.
  3. Add the DataStax repository key:
    $ curl -L | sudo apt-key add -
    Note: If you have trouble adding the key, use http instead of https.
  4. Install DataStax Enterprise and the DataStax Agent:
    $ sudo apt-get update
    $ sudo apt-get install dse-full=4.5.X-1 dse=4.5.X-1 dse-hive=4.5.X-1 dse-pig=4.5.X-1 dse-demos=4.5.X-1 dse-libsolr=4.5.X-1 dse-libtomcat=4.5.X-1 dse-libsqoop=4.5.X-1 dse-liblog4j=4.5.X-1 dse-libmahout=4.5.X-1 dse-libhadoop-native=4.5.X-1 dse-libcassandra=4.5.X-1 dse-libhive=4.5.X-1 dse-libpig=4.5.X-1 dse-libhadoop=4.5.X-1

    To also install OpsCenter, add OpsCenter to the end of the command.

    Note: For production installations, DataStax recommends installing the OpsCenter separate from the cluster. See the OpsCenter documentation.


DataStax Enterprise is ready for configuration.

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