Installing DataStax Enterprise 4.8 using GUI or Text mode

DataStax Enterprise production installation or upgrade on any Linux-based platform using a graphical or text interface.

For other product installations, see Installing OpsCenter and Installing DevCenter.

For installing DataStax Enterprise without root permissions or on Mac OS X, click here.

Important: DataStax Enterprise 4.8 uses Cassandra 2.1 and CQL3.1.


  • Be sure your platform is supported.
  • Root or sudo access when installing as a system service, or if installing missing system dependencies.
  • Latest version of Oracle Java SE Runtime Environment 7 or 8 or OpenJDK 7 is recommended.
    Note: If using Oracle Java 7, you must use at least 1.7.0_25. If using Oracle Java 8, you must use at least 1.8.0_40. In some cases, using JDK 1.8 causes minor performance degradation compared to JDK 1.7.
  • RedHat-compatible distributions require EPEL (Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux). For RHEL 5.x, see Installing EPEL on RHEL OS 5.x.
  • If installing on a 64-bit Oracle Linux distribution, first install the 32-bit versions of glibc libraries.
  • Python 2.6 (minimum); 2.7 (recommended).

Also see Recommended production settings and the DataStax Enterprise Reference Architecture white paper.

Hardware requirements
Requirement Minimum Production
CPUs 2 16
Memory 8 GB 24 GB
Data directory 20 GB 200 GB
Commit log directory 20 GB 200 GB
Saved caches directory 20 GB 200 GB
Logs directory 20 GB 200 GB
Production requirements depend on the volume of data and workload.

About the installer 

The location of the cassandra.yaml file depends on the type of installation:
Package installations /etc/dse/cassandra/cassandra.yaml
Tarball installations install_location/resources/cassandra/conf/cassandra.yaml
The location of the dse.yaml file depends on the type of installation:
Installer-Services /etc/dse/dse.yaml
Package installations /etc/dse/dse.yaml
Installer-No Services install_location/resources/dse/conf/dse.yaml
Tarball installations install_location/resources/dse/conf/dse.yaml

The installer installs DataStax Enterprise and the DataStax Agent. It does not install OpsCenter or DevCenter. The installer sets some but not all cassandra.yaml parameters described in the table below. It does not set dse.yaml properties. You can set the remaining parameters in the following ways:

  • Manually after installation.
  • Use the unattended install with either command line or the property file options. These options allow you to specify pre-configured cassandra.yaml and dse.yaml files using --cassandra_yaml_template filename and --dse_yaml_template filename.


In a terminal window:

Note: In the following commands, be sure to change X to an actual version number. To view the available versions, see the Release notes. The latest version of DataStax Enterprise 4.8 is 4.8.16.

  1. Download the installer for your computer from the DataStax download page or use the following command:
    curl --user dsa_email_address:password -O
  2. From the directory where you downloaded the install file, change the permission to executable:
    chmod +x
  3. To view the installer help:
    ./ --help
  4. Start the installation:
    sudo ./             ## Install in GUI mode.
    $ sudo ./ --mode text ## Install in Text mode.

    Using the install command to set configuration parameters:

    To add configuration parameters to the installation, use the installer options described in Unattended DataStax Enterprise 4.8 installer. For example:

    $ sudo ./ --prefix /usr/local/dse --enable_vnodes 0 ## Command line option.
    $ sudo ./ --optionfile ../datastax/DC4-analytics.prop ## Property file option.

    The installer launches.

  5. Follow the instructions in the setup wizard using the following table for guidance:
    Screen - Panel Recommendations and additional information
    Setup Welcome page.
    License Agreement DataStax Enterprise End User License Agreement
    Install Options
    Server Installation Directory If you use the No Services option, you can change the location of the dse directory. If you install as a service, DataStax Enterprise can only be installed in the /usr/share/dse directory.
    Install Type

    Use Simple Install for default path names and options.

    Advanced Install allows you to configure additional parameters, including:
    Update System Updates some system packages and dependencies. Does not upgrade or install major components such as Java. Set to Yes when run as root user, otherwise set to No.
    Default Interface Network interface for the DataStax Enterprise server.

    Use for single node clusters.

    Service Setup

    No Services - installs the DataStax Enterprise server as a stand-alone process. Use these instructions for this type of installation.

    Note: For installing DataStax Enterprise without root permissions or on Mac OS X, click here.

    Services Only - installs the DataStax Enterprise server as a service running in the background.

    Services and Utilities (Linux only) - installs the DataStax Enterprise server as a service running in the background and Cassandra utilities, such as cqlsh, sstableloader, sstablescrub, and sstableupgrade to the system path.

    Start Services After Install Select Yes to start all services when the installation is complete, or select No when additional configuration is needed after installation.
    Node Setup
    Node Type
    Attention: All nodes are DataStax Enterprise nodes and run the Cassandra database.
    The following types of nodes are available:
    • Cassandra node - Transactional node, also used for Bring your own Hadoop (BYOH) nodes.
    • Analytics node- Spark only and Spark + Integrated Hadoop (DSE Hadoop) nodes.
    • DSE Search (Solr) nodes - DSE Search (DataStax Enterprise Search) simplifies using search applications for data that is stored in a Cassandra database.
    Cluster Name Name of the cluster. You must use the same cluster name for each node in the cluster.
    Cassandra nodes use the seed node list for finding each other and learning the topology of the ring. Do not make all nodes seed nodes. See the following:
    User Setup (Advanced installation only)
    OS User ID for Service When starting DataStax Enterprise as a service, the Cassandra and Hadoop tracker services run as this user and group. The service initialization script is located in /etc/init.d/dse. Run levels are not set by the package.
    OS User Group for Service
    Ring Options (Advanced installation only)
    Enable Vnodes Enable or disable Virtual nodes.
    Listen Address cassandra.yaml parameter: listen_address
    RPC Address cassandra.yaml parameter: rpc_address
    Directory Locations (Advanced installation only)
    Data Directory cassandra.yaml parameter: data_file_directories
    Commitlog Directory cassandra.yaml parameter: commitlog_directory
    Saved Caches Directory cassandra.yaml parameter: saved_caches_directory
    Logs Directory Log data for Cassandra, Spark, Hadoop, Pig, Hive, Tomcat. See the default file locations for Default file locations for Installer-No Services and tarball installations
    Ports (Advanced installation only)
    Storage Port cassandra.yaml parameter: storage_port
    SSL Storage Port cassandra.yaml parameter: ssl_storage_port
    RPC Port cassandra.yaml parameter: rpc_port
    DataStax Agent
    OpsCenter Address The network address of the OpsCenter. The agent provides an interface between DataStax OpsCenter and DataStax Enterprise.
    Review and install
    System Configuration Configuration overview and warnings about potential issues.
    Ready to Install The install wizard installs the software.
    Setup finish Post-installation tasks.
    Note: View Configuration Recommendations And Warnings opens the Pre-flight check results.
  6. Review the installation logs to verify the installation.
    Note: If you have closed the logs, see Services or No-Services installer locations.


    DataStax Enterprise is ready for additional configuration.

  7. Optional: Single-node cluster installations only:
    1. If you haven't started DataStax Enterprise:
      • No-Services:

        $ bin/dse cassandra #optional start options

      • Services:
        sudo service dse start ## Starts the DataStax Enterprise server
        $ sudo service datastax-agent start ## Starts the DataStax Agent
    2. Verify that DataStax Enterprise is running:
      nodetool status
      Datacenter: Cassandra
      |/ State=Normal/Leaving/Joining/Moving
      --  Address    Load       Tokens  Owns    Host ID                               Rack
      UN  82.43 KB   256     ?       40725dc8-7843-43ae-9c98-7c532b1f517e  rack1

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