Changing the location of the password database

Change the default location of the password database used for authentication.

The password database is created when authentication is enabled. The default location of the password database is /etc/opscenter/passwd.db for package installs and install_location/passwd.db for tarball installs. You can change the location of the password database in the opscenterd.conf file.


The location of the opscenterd.conf file depends on the type of installation:

Location Package Installer (GUI or text mode) Tarball
Service No-service
/etc/opscenter/opscenterd.conf X X    
install_location/conf/opscenterd.conf     X X


  1. Edit the opscenterd.conf file and change the location of the password database.

    Set passwd_db to the new location in the [authentication] section.

    passwd_db = path to new password database
    Note: If you have already enabled authentication, copy the existing passwd.db file to the new location. If you do not copy the password database to the new location, OpsCenter will create a new password database in the specified location when it is started. Existing users and roles will be lost.
  2. Restart OpsCenter:
    • Package installations:
      $ sudo service opscenterd restart
    • Tarball installations:
      Find the OpsCenter process ID (pid), kill the process using its PID number, and start OpsCenter:
      $ ps -ef | grep opscenter
      $ sudo kill pid

      install_location/bin/opscenter (Use -f to start in the foreground.)

    • Windows installations:

      Restart the OpsCenter Service from the Control Panel.