Storing collection data on a different cluster

Store collection data on a separate DSE cluster as an alternative to OpsCenter storing data in an OpsCenter keyspace on the same DSE cluster being managed. Storing collection data in a separate storage cluster is an enterprise-only feature.


The location of the cluster_name.conf file depends on the type of installation:

  • Package installations: /etc/opscenter/clusters/cluster_name.conf
  • Tarball installations: install_location/conf/clusters/cluster_name.conf
  • Windows installations: Program Files (x86)\DataStax Community\opscenter\conf\clusters\cluster_name.conf

If you do not want OpsCenter to store data in an OpsCenter keyspace on the DSE cluster being managed, you can store the data on a separate DSE cluster. Storing collection data in a separate storage cluster is an enterprise-only feature. OpsCenter supports connecting to a DSE storage cluster when SSL is enabled.


  • The seed nodes must be accessible without Kerberos security.
  • A unique keyspace must be used for each DSE cluster being managed by OpsCenter. If you are storing data for multiple clusters, we recommend adding the cluster name as a suffix to the default keyspace name of OpsCenter. For example, set the keyspace name to OpsCenter_Cluster1.
  • If you are using SSL to access the storage cluster and have a CER-encoded certificate, use the following command to convert it:
    $ openssl x509 -inform der -in certificate.cer -out certificate.pem


  1. Open the cluster configuration file cluster_name.conf for editing.
  2. Add a [storage_cassandra] section with the applicable storage configuration options for your environment:
    username = opsusr
    password = opscenter
    seed_hosts = host1, host2
    api_port = 9160
    cql_port = 9042
    keyspace = OpsCenter_Cluster1

    Available storage configuration options:

    [cassandra] seed_hosts
    A Cassandra seed node is used to determine the ring topology and obtain gossip information about the nodes in the cluster. This should be the same comma-delimited list of seed nodes as the one configured for your Cassandra or DataStax Enterprise cluster by the seeds property in the cassandra.yaml configuration file. The default value is localhost.
    [storage_cassandra] api_port
    Configure when using a different cluster for OpsCenter storage. The Thrift remote procedure call port configured for your cluster. Same as the rpc_port property in the cassandra.yaml configuration file. Default is 9160.
    [storage_cassandra] cql_port
    Configure when using a different cluster for OpsCenter storage. The CQL port configured for your cluster, the default port is 9042.
    [storage_cassandra] auto_node_discovery
    Configure when using a different cluster for OpsCenter storage. Enables or disables auto-discovery of nodes. When disabled, OpsCenter only attempts to contact nodes in the seed list, and will not auto-discover nodes. By default this is True.
    [storage_cassandra] connect_timeout
    Configure when using a different cluster for OpsCenter storage. Sets the timeout, in seconds, of a thrift connection from OpsCenter to Cassandra. The default value is 6.0.
    [storage_cassandra] bind_interface
    Configure when using a different cluster for OpsCenter storage. The interface used for thrift connections.
    [storage_cassandra] connection_pool_size
    Configure when using a different cluster for OpsCenter storage. The number of connections to thrift to build for the connection pool. The default value is 5.
    [storage_cassandra] username
    Configure when using a different cluster for OpsCenter storage. The username used to connect to Cassandra if authentication is enabled.
    [storage_cassandra] password
    Configure when using a different cluster for OpsCenter storage. The password used to connect to Cassandra if authentication is enabled.
    [storage_cassandra] send_rpc
    Configure when using a different cluster for OpsCenter storage. Specifies whether to send the Cassandra RPC IP to agents. The default value is True.
    [storage_cassandra] ssl_ca_certs
    Configure when using a different cluster for OpsCenter storage. The server certificate to use to validate SSL for thrift connections.
    [storage_cassandra] ssl_ca_certs
    Configure when using a different cluster for OpsCenter storage. The server certificate to use to validate SSL for thrift connections.
    [storage_cassandra] ssl_validate
    Configure when using a different cluster for OpsCenter storage. Specifies whether the SSL thrift connection should be validated. The default value is True.
    [storage_cassandra] ssl_client_pem
    Configure when using a different cluster for OpsCenter storage. Specifies the client-side SSL PEM file to use if using two-way auth
    [storage_cassandra] ssl_client_key
    Configure when using a different cluster for OpsCenter storage. Specifies the client-side SSL key file to use if using two-way auth
    The SSL configuration options are applicable to OpsCenter version 5.1.1+ only.