OpsCenter and DataStax agent ports

Default port numbers used by OpsCenter and the DataStax Agents.

Port Description
OpsCenter ports
8888 OpsCenter website. The opscenterd daemon listens on this port for HTTP requests coming directly from the browser. Configurable in opscenterd.conf.
50031 OpsCenter HTTP proxy for Job Tracker. The opscenterd daemon listens on this port for incoming HTTP requests from the browser when viewing the Hadoop Job Tracker page directly. Configured in opscenterd.conf. (DataStax Enterprise only)
61620 OpsCenter monitoring port. The opscenterd daemon listens on this port for TCP traffic coming from the agent. Configured in opscenterd.conf.
DataStax agents ports (on the monitored nodes)
7199 JMX monitoring port. Each agent opens a JMX connection to its local node (the Cassandra or DataStax Enterprise process listening on this port). The JMX protocol requires that the client then reconnect on a randomly chosen port (1024+) after the initial handshake. This port is set in the cluster-specific configuration file.
8012 Hadoop Job Tracker client port. The Job Tracker listens on this port for job submissions and communications from task trackers; allows traffic from each Analytics node in a DataStax Enterprise cluster.
8012 Hadoop Job Tracker website port. The Job Tracker listens on this port for HTTP requests. If initiated from the OpsCenter UI, these requests are proxied through the opscenterd daemon; otherwise, they come directly from the browser. (DataStax Enterprise only)
8012 Hadoop Task Tracker website port. Each Task Tracker listens on this port for HTTP requests coming directly from the browser and not proxied by the opscenterd daemon. (DataStax Enterprise only)
9042 The native transport port for the cluster configured in native_transport_port in cassandra.yaml. Set in cql_port.
61621 DataStax agent port. The agents listen on this port for TCP traffic initiated by OpsCenter. cluster-specific configuration file.
22 SSH port. Configurable in opscenterd.conf.
Solr Port and Demo applications port
8983 Solr Port and Demo applications port.


The location of the cassandra.yaml file depends on the type of installation:

Location Package Installer (GUI or text mode) Tarball
Service No-service
/etc/cassandra/cassandra.yaml X X    
install_location/conf/cassandra.yaml     X X