Cassandra connection properties

Configure Cassandra connection properties in the cluster-specific configuration file cluster_name.conf.

These properties are configured in the cluster-specific configuration file, cluster_name.conf.

Note: After changing properties in this file, restart OpsCenter for the changes to take effect.
[jmx] port 
The JMX (Java Management Extensions) port of your cluster. In Cassandra versions 0.8 and higher, the JMX port is 7199.
[jmx] username 
The JMX (Java Management Extensions) username, if you have authentication enabled.
[jmx] password 
The JMX (Java Management Extensions) password, if you have authentication enabled.
[cassandra] seed_hosts 
A Cassandra seed node is used to determine the ring topology and obtain gossip information about the nodes in the cluster. This should be the same comma-delimited list of seed nodes as the one configured for your Cassandra or DataStax Enterprise cluster by the seeds property in the cassandra.yaml configuration file. The default value is localhost.
[cassandra] api_port 
The Thrift remote procedure call port configured for your cluster. Same as the rpc_port property in the cassandra.yaml configuration file. Default is 9160.
[cassandra] cql_port 
The CQL port configured for your cluster, the default port is 9042.
[cassandra] conf_location 
The location of the cassandra.yaml configuration file. If install_location is specified, but conf_location is not, then conf_location is assumed to be install_location/conf/cassandra.yaml. If conf_location is specified, it must be the absolute path to the Cassandra configuration file on all nodes. These settings are cluster-wide and require that the specified locations be correct for every node.
[cassandra] install_location 
The directory in which Cassandra is installed. If install_location is not specified, OpsCenter looks in the package-specific installation locations. For a tarball installation of DataStax Enterprise, the install_location is dse_install_location/resources/cassandra.
[cassandra] log_location 
The location of the cassandra system logs on a node. The default location is /var/log/cassandra/system.log.
[cassandra] auto_node_discovery 
Enables or disables auto-discovery of nodes. When disabled, OpsCenter only attempts to contact nodes in the seed list, and will not auto-discover nodes. By default this is True.
[cassandra] connect_timeout 
Sets the timeout, in seconds, of a thrift connection from OpsCenter to Cassandra. The default value is 6.0.
[cassandra] bind_interface 
The interface for thrift connections to use.
[cassandra] connection_pool_size 
The number of connections to thrift to build for the connection pool. The default value is 5.
[cassandra] username 
The username used to connect to Cassandra if authentication is enabled.
[cassandra] password 
The password used to connect to Cassandra if authentication is enabled.
[cassandra] send_rpc 
Specifies whether to send the Cassandra RPC IP to agents. The default value is True.
[cassandra] ssl_ca_certs 
The server certificate to use to validate SSL for thrift connections.
[cassandra] ssl_validate 
Specifies whether the SSL thrift connection should be validated. The default value is True.
[cassandra] ssl_client_pem 
Specifies the client-side SSL PEM file to use if using two-way auth.
[cassandra] ssl_client_key 
Specifies the client-side SSL key file to use if using two-way auth.
[cassandra] snapshot_threshold 
The number of nodes in the cluster before OpsCenter will switch from running a backup immediately upon receiving a request to scheduling the backup to run after the next full minute plus any time set in snapshot_wait. The default value is 10. If there are less than 10 nodes in the cluster then OpsCenter will tell all nodes to take a snapshot as soon as it is requested. If there are more than 10 nodes, OpsCenter will tell all nodes to take a snapshot at the current time rounded to the next minute, plus snapshot_wait seconds.
[cassandra] rolling_restart_error_threshold 
A rolling restart will be cancelled if the number of errors during the restart reaches this number. This helps prevent having too many nodes down in your cluster if something catastrophic happens during a rolling restart.
[storage_cassandra] seed_hosts 
Configure when using a different cluster for OpsCenter storage. A Cassandra seed node is used to determine the ring topology and obtain gossip information about the nodes in the cluster. This should be the same comma-delimited list of seed nodes as the one configured for your DataStax Enterprise cluster by the seeds property in the cassandra.yaml configuration file.
[storage_cassandra] api_port 
Configure when using a different cluster for OpsCenter storage. The Thrift remote procedure call port configured for your cluster. Same as the rpc_port property in the cassandra.yaml configuration file. Default is 9160.
[storage_cassandra] cql_port 
Configure when using a different cluster for OpsCenter storage. The CQL port configured for your cluster, the default port is 9042.
[storage_cassandra] auto_node_discovery 
Configure when using a different cluster for OpsCenter storage. Enables or disables auto-discovery of nodes. When disabled, OpsCenter only attempts to contact nodes in the seed list, and will not auto-discover nodes. By default this is True.
[storage_cassandra] connect_timeout 
Configure when using a different cluster for OpsCenter storage. Sets the timeout, in seconds, of a thrift connection from OpsCenter to Cassandra. The default value is 6.0.
[storage_cassandra] bind_interface 
Configure when using a different cluster for OpsCenter storage. The interface used for thrift connections.
[storage_cassandra] connection_pool_size 
Configure when using a different cluster for OpsCenter storage. The number of connections to thrift to build for the connection pool. The default value is 5.
[storage_cassandra] username 
Configure when using a different cluster for OpsCenter storage. The username used to connect to Cassandra if authentication is enabled.
[storage_cassandra] password 
Configure when using a different cluster for OpsCenter storage. The password used to connect to Cassandra if authentication is enabled.
[storage_cassandra] send_rpc 
Configure when using a different cluster for OpsCenter storage. Specifies whether to send the Cassandra RPC IP to agents. The default value is True.
[storage_cassandra] ssl_ca_certs 
Configure when using a different cluster for OpsCenter storage. The server certificate to use to validate SSL for thrift connections.
[storage_cassandra] ssl_validate 
Configure when using a different cluster for OpsCenter storage. Specifies whether the SSL thrift connection should be validated. The default value is True.
[storage_cassandra] ssl_client_pem 
Configure when using a different cluster for OpsCenter storage. Specifies the client-side SSL PEM file to use if using two-way auth
[storage_cassandra] ssl_client_key 
Configure when using a different cluster for OpsCenter storage. Specifies the client-side SSL key file to use if using two-way auth
[collection] basic_info_period 
The frequency, in seconds, to check Cassandra for a Cassandra API update. The default value is 3600 (1 hour).
[collection] nodelist_poll_period 
The interval in seconds OpsCenter waits to poll the nodes in a cluster. The default value is 30.
[collection] job_poll_period 
The frequency, in seconds, to poll the job tracker. The default value is 5.
[collection] cf_poll_period 
The frequency, in seconds, to check for a schema update. The default value is 60.
[collection] push_throttle_period 
The frequency, in seconds, to push node information to the UI. The default value is 60.
[metric_caching] num_data_points_cached 
The number of data points to cache for cluster metrics. The default value is 50.
[metric_caching] num_metrics_cached 
The number of metrics to cache for cluster metrics. The default value is 1000.
[agents] api_port 
The port used by agents for HTTP traffic. The default port is 61621.
[agents] http_timeout 
The timeout, in seconds, for an HTTP call to the agent. The default value is 10.
[agents] ssl_keystore 
The SSL keystore location for agents to use to connect to CQL.
[agents] ssl_keystore_password 
The SSL truststore password for agents to use to connect to CQL.
[agents] ec2_metadata_api_host 
The IP address to obtain ec2 metadata such as instance id. The default IP address is
[agents] concurrent_agent_requests 
The number of concurrent HTTP requests OpsCenter will make to agents for most HTTP operations. The default value is 10.
[agents] concurrent_settings_requests 
The number of concurrent agents OpsCenter will contact upon start-up or when adding a new cluster. The default value is 10.
[agents] concurrent_snapshot_list_requests 
The number of concurrent get snapshot info requests. The default value is 1.
[agents] snapshot_wait 
See [cassandra] snapshot_threshold
[agents] remote_backup_region 
The S3 region region to connect to for remote backup/restore. The default value is us-west-1.
[agents] backup_staging_dir 
This path specifies the directory where commitlogs are stored and retained on each node. This property must be set prior to enabling commitlog archiving."
[agents] restore_req_update_period 
The frequency (in seconds) that a restore will report progress back to OpsCenter. The default value is automatically calculated based on cluster size. To optimize performance, larger clusters will have a longer threshold in which restore progress will be sent to the UI. Configure this property if you would like to see more/less frequent updates during a restore. Note: lower numbers may impact performance during a restore
[cassandra_metrics] ignored_keyspaces 
A list of keyspaces to not collect metrics for, separated by commas. The default value is system, system_traces, system_auth, dse_auth, and OpsCenter.
[cassandra_metrics] ignored_column_families 
A list of column families to not collect metrics for, separated by commas. Each entry should be of the form "". For example: metrics_ignored_column_families = system.NodeInfo, system.Schema, Keyspace1.Standard1
[cassandra_metrics] ignored_solr_cores 
A list of solr cores to not collect metrics for, separated by commas. Each entry should be of the form "". For example: metrics_ignored_solr_cores = Keyspace1.Standard1,
[cassandra_metrics] 1min_ttl 
Sets the time in seconds to expire 1 minute data points. The default value is 604800 (7 days).
[cassandra_metrics] 5min_ttl 
Sets the time in seconds to expire 5 minute data points. The default value is 2419200 (28 days).
[cassandra_metrics] 2hr_ttl 
Sets the time in seconds to expire 2 hour data points. The default value is 31536000 (365 days).
[cassandra_metrics] 24hr_ttl 
Sets the time to expire 24 hour data points. The default value is -1, or never.
[cassandra_metrics] metrics_enabled 
Specifies whether agents should collect Cassandra metrics. The default value is True.
[event_storage] enabled 
Specifies whether OpsCenter events should be recorded in the event store. The default value is True.
[destinations] active 
Specifies the names of destinations to backup to. They shouldn't have spaces and should be delimited by commas.
[hadoop] job_tracker_port 
Sets the Hadoop job tracker port. The default port is 9260.
[hadoop] job_tracker_http_port 
Sets the Hadoop HTTP job tracker port. The default port is 50030.
[hadoop] job_tracker_proxy_port 
Overrides the proxy port for job tracker. Use to prevent the proxy port from autoincrementing.
[spark] master_http_port 
Port at which the Spark master UI is exposed. Default is 7080.
[spark] master_proxy_port 
Override for the computed Spark proxy port.
[kerberos] default_service 
The default Kerberos service name.
[kerberos] default_hostname 
The default Kerberos hostname.
[kerberos] default_client_principal 
The default Kerberos client principal.
[kerberos] default_client_user 
The default Kerberos client user.
[kerberos] opscenterd_client_principal 
The OpsCenter client principal in Kerberos.
[kerberos] job_tracker_client_principal 
The job tracker client principal in Kerberos.
[stomp] batch_size 
The number of request updates OpsCenter will push out at once. The default value is 100. This is used to avoid overloading the browser.
[stomp] push_interval 
How often OpsCenter will push out updates to requests. The default value is 3 seconds. This is used to avoid overloading the browser.
[stomp] alert_push_interval 
How often OpsCenter will push out alert updates. The default value is 1 second. This is used to avoid overloading the browser.
[bestpractice] results_ttl 
How long, in seconds, OpsCenter will store the results of Best Practice service runs. The default value is 2,419,200 seconds, or 4 weeks.
[forecasting] range_multiplier 
The multiplier for the query range needed to produce forecasts. The default multiplier is 3.
[forecasting] required_data_percentage 
Minimum percent of past data required to forecast. The default value is 0.5.
[backups] restore_init_throttle 
The number of agents on which OpsCenter will concurrently start the restore process. The default value is 20.
[backups] restore_sleep 
How long OpsCenter will sleep between batches of starting the restore process, set in restore_init_throttle. The default value is 5 seconds.
[backups] failure_threshold 
The percentage of the cluster can fail to respond before a remote destination restore action will fail
Per-node specification for the Kerberos hostname of the service (DSE). A list of IP, hostname pairs. For example =
Per-node specification of the Kerberos service name. A list of IP, hostname pairs. For example = cassandra.
Per-client specification of the Kerberos principal to use. A list of IP, hostname pairs. For example = opscenter-agent01@EXAMPLE.COM.
[cluster_display_options] display_name 
Display name used by OpsCenter to signify this cluster.


The location of the cluster_name.conf file depends on the type of installation:

  • Package installations: /etc/opscenter/clusters/cluster_name.conf
  • Tarball installations: install_location/conf/clusters/cluster_name.conf
  • Windows installations: Program Files (x86)\DataStax Community\opscenter\conf\clusters\cluster_name.conf