Installing OpsCenter on Mac OS X or any Linux distributions

Install the DataStax OpsCenter on Mac OS X or any Linux Distribution using the OpsCenter binary tarball.

Install the DataStax OpsCenter on Mac OS X or any Linux Distribution using the OpsCenter binary tarball.

For a complete list of supported platforms, see DataStax OpsCenter – Supported Platforms.


  • Python 2.6+
  • JRE or JDK (recommended) is only required if HTTPS or opscenterd/agent SSL is enabled (off by default). See installing the Oracle JDK or OpenJDK.


  1. Download the tarball distribution of OpsCenter.
    $ curl -L | tar xz

    Files for OpsCenter and a single DataStax agent are now in place.

  2. Change to the opscenter<version-number> directory.
    $ cd opscenter-<version-number>
  3. Start OpsCenter from the install location:
    $ bin/opscenter
    Note: Use bin/opscenter -f to start OpsCenter in the foreground.
  4. Connect to OpsCenter in a web browser using the following URL:
  5. Next you can add an existing cluster or provision a new one.